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1 week ago - The Universe of Discourse
here, it's winter there, and vice versa. Australians celebrate Christmas by going to the beach, and July 4th with sledding and patriotic snowball
supermarket, I always warn Franklin “Okay, brace yourself. This is really going to blow your mind.” Addendum 20240514 Carl Witty points out that
be ready for Hawat to fill; if not the position was going to be open soon anyway. Either way the Baron or his
innocent little children playing in a garden. Blagojevich's lawsuit was never going to go anywhere, for so many reasons. Just the first three
and I'm not sure our minds met on this. I am going to try to explain and see if I can clear up
of training data did not emphasize this. Whatever, I was not going to argue the point with a stupid robot that has probably
Stuff that is backwards in Australia I thought at first was going to be kind of a dumb article, because it was just
1 week ago - Matthew Gaudet
top of a lovely desk mat. Author's note: This blog is going to turn into a keyboard blog for a few posts I
but energy use by itself is not disqualifying. Furthermore, there is going to be huge amounts of financial and competitive pressures for LLM
the technology adapts to traditional programming over time. This space is going to change remarkably over the next few years; we're in for
a period of dramatic change here. I've no idea how it's going to go, but it's going to look wildly different in five
it reminds me that Valley of the Gods is probably never going to come out since Campo Santo got eaten by Valve . Comment
in a lonely teashop, and the proprietor decides that she is going to solve this mystery. I loved this book, and it was
1 week ago - We Fear Change
music on Sat 21 January 2017. Tags: music , change , I'm always going to remember January 20, 2017 as a beautiful day. Those who
music and amazingly bright joyful people. I'd thought the gig was going to be a night of protest against a new, unthinkable political
instead of providing a directory on the local file system, we're going to fire up a simple Python-based HTTP server and use
decided I’d write an original song. And if you’re going to write some original music that will be donated to the
I got a ping email from Łukasz asking how it was going. “Oh, yeah, great Łukasz, really great!” I typed as I began
1 week ago - Andreas Klinger
Comfort Zones 22,876 views There is a lot of talk going on about the endurance and struggle that startup founders go through.
the “other” Startup Hubs. 924 views There is an energetic discussion going on in the Web-Tech Startup World. Each city wants to
disgrace to our generation. 901 views There is all this talk going on about Path uploading address books and privacy here privacy there.
1 week ago - Otterchat
click image for full size. Other carnivores have the same thing going on, I noticed Dogs have it too, bears have it, raccoons
40 No.2903 >>2901 Now I'd really like to know what's going on. Maybe this is just how the frontal/parietal bone grows
the same curiosity about the world. A fish, for instance, is going to live its simple fish life and not be overly curious
to set my alarm well in advance this month. I'm not going to miss another one! >> Anonymous 24/04/28(Sun)02:52
studying to become a neurosurgeon? That's really cool, how's life been going since you dropped out? I hope you found your calling. >> Anonymous
1 week ago - www.bentasker.co.uk
options on a laptop that won't power on. I, obviously, wasn't going to do number 5, but did hold some hope that a
a while . Neil posts semi-frequently and I'd definitely seen things going about in the Fediverse, so this struck me as odd. When
1 week ago - nipafx // You. Me. Java.
Babylon; shorter release cadence and free Oracle JDK - there's a lot going on in modern Java. I'll do my best to answer all
Radar #talk #pattern‑matching #performance #records #virtual‑threads With so much going on in the programming language space, it's easy to miss any
efficiency and scalability of reactive programming and in this talk you're going to learn how they do that and how you can use
1 week ago - Web bloat solution: PXT Protocol | Svedic.org
t figure out whether all that JS and CS is actually going to be used, or replace images with thumbnails or improve the
caching. If you have a page footer or logo, they are going to be transferred only once, as on the subsequent pages the
transferred only once, as on the subsequent pages the server is going to send only the zone ID. I know what you are
1 week ago - Armand Halbert
to receive a commendation and a promotion. And then he’s going to tell you that I am to be released. You’re
to tell you that I am to be released. You’re going to protest. You’ll probably threaten to resign. But in the
1 week ago - A simple example configuration to generate package private jOOQ code
are generated as public types per default, as you are likely going to use this generated code everywhere. You can still restrict access