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1 day ago - Devin Prater's blog
to being like the iPhone mail app. But it has no actions, and if one can get an honestly great mail client out
things, like offer comprehensive Braille support, audible graphs, image recognition, accessibility actions, and screen recognition. On and smaller things like using actual pronounced
Then we could all collaborate together on things like using TalkBack actions in YouTube, moving throughout a thread of messages in Gmail, and
the main idea as in this video, but the people, places, actions in the video. Sometimes, Youtube videos have “separate but equal” versions
to activate that option. This allows blind people to perform swipe actions, like deleting a message, liking a post, boosting a toot, or
language. TalkBack uses graphical menus for setting options otherwise, or performing actions, like deleting email. It can be used with a Bluetooth keyboard.
video. On iOS, each video is on one item, and the actions are in the actions rotor. TalkBack has an actions menu, but
1 month ago - Promises in Unity – IMVU Engineering Blog
pretty nice. It’s very easy to follow the sequence of actions we take, and we don’t even have to think about
1 month ago - Code Yarns – Ashwin Nanjappa’s Tech Blog
to PDF (29 Nov 2012) How to view Undo or Redo actions in Windows Explorer (27 Nov 2012) Decrypt an encrypted PDF file
error (22 Apr 2019) redo How to view Undo or Redo actions in Windows Explorer (27 Nov 2012) redraw How to redraw screen
Persistent Undo (27 Nov 2010) How to view Undo or Redo actions in Windows Explorer (27 Nov 2012) Gundo plugin for Vim (29
as Tabs (24 Sep 2011) How to view Undo or Redo actions in Windows Explorer (27 Nov 2012) How to manage files on
1 day ago - The Language Of My Soul Blog
convenient at times. Behind the veil of benign day to day actions, there is evil larking in the shadows. My University was packed
convenient at times. Behind the veil of benign day to day actions, there is evil larking in the shadows. My University was packed
even as I say that, there isn’t too much heroic actions in my day to day life. On my way to University,
even as I say that, there isn’t too much heroic actions in my day to day life. On my way to University,
dodgy in outside countries. This dodgy behaviour affect general perceptions and actions against all of that minority group, even the assimilated ones. Hence,
introduced and the mainstream media peddle a violent protest narrative. Our actions serve nothing more than ammo to pass bullshit laws. We’ve
I was a man of my word, yet what do my actions tell the world? They would provoke me into action to be
1 day ago - Swiftjective-C | iOS. Indies. Apple. Plus Things.
of the function to avoid unnecessary work if there are no actions to add or remove. - The removal of unwanted quick actions is
The append(contentsOf:) method is used to add the new quick actions to the existing array in a single operation. - The reversed() call
the elements that satisfy the condition. - The addition of new quick actions is done by first creating an array of existing court IDs,
appSettings . quickActionCourtsToRemove . contains ( item . userInfo ?[ "courtID" ] as? Int64 ?? 0 ) } // Add quick actions appSettings . quickActionCourtsToAdd . forEach { court in if ! quickActions . contains ( where : { item in
removeCourts ( from : quickActions ) // Process additions quickActions = addCourts ( to : quickActions ) // Update quick actions in reverse order and clear settings UIApplication . shared . shortcutItems = quickActions . reversed ()
life platform fixes to Elite Hoops . Among those? Home Screen Quick Actions. It’s been a minute since I’ve created dynamic ones,
1 day ago - cjlm
was fantastic. A deep dive into how people self-justify their actions and the cognitive dissonance they are comfortable living with. Pyramids The
original perpetrators minimize the severity and harm of their side’s actions and claim the mantle of victim themselves, thereby setting in motion
information as such then the existence of it could help explain actions and feelings. But that classification is hard and takes time, meanwhile
how the world worksValue: Measure how much reward certain states or actions can bringPolicy: Know which strategies tend on the whole to do
a cryptocurrency backed by central banks to reward and promote ecological actions. I’d like to learn more about this potential for cryptocurrencies,
a taste for having problemsEmbrace radical incrementalism; focus on brief, regular actions over trying to do too much at onceOriginality lies on the
feel like you know what you’re doing?Without worrying about actions reaching fruition, how would you spend your days? Do the next
1 day ago - Chester Grant
Attitudes are contagious; people tend to take on the attitudes and actions of the individuals in their circle. A good attitude is just
occurs because of things that we can’t control (like the actions of others, the weather, or our genes), the result would be
to be that person. The self-image will guide and direct actions and behaviors until the self-image becomes the reality. 40. In
others and focus instead on identifying what positive effects your personal actions might have? 25. Breadth . Do you assume that the underlying cause
At the core of this experimental approach, little bets are concrete actions taken to discover, test, and develop ideas that are achievable and
decisions we are supposed to be making, and what kind of actions we are supposed to be taking—will suffer. 14. Daniel Kahneman
1 day ago - Keita's Blog
Raspberry Pi にログインして git pull するというデプロイ手順でしたが、さすがに面倒でした。実物サーバーにデプロイするのは久しぶりで不慣れなところが色々ありましたが、結局ある程度スムーズにできるようになりました。現在はこういう流れになっています: GitHub Actions でフロント/バックエンドが両方コンパイルされる Raspberry Pi に tailscale を使って SSH で接続する 新しいファイルを rsync
文字起こしエンジンを Amazon Transcribe から Google Speech-to-Text に切り替え デプロイ周りは GitHub Actions から行うように モバイル通知の対応 まずは文字起こしエンジンから。 Amazon Transcribe から Google Speech-to-Text に切り替え
ご視聴ありがとうございました」でした。 今後改善されるか、私の設定が悪かったのか、GPT-4とかで直すした方がいいのかまだはっきりわかりませんですが、今のところその4つのサービスのうち Google が優位。 デプロイ周りは GitHub Actions から行うように 前の記事では、Raspberry Pi にログインして git pull するというデプロイ手順でしたが、さすがに面倒でした。実物サーバーにデプロイするのは久しぶりで不慣れなところが色々ありましたが、結局ある程度スムーズにできるようになりました。
peer-to-peer みたいな感じでクライアントがインストールされているなら直接接続できる様なVPNです。デプロイ先の Raspberry Pi に tailscale のクライアントの入れ、 GitHub Actions 用の Action を設定 すれば、ポート開けとかNAT調整とかファイアウォール設定とかしなくてもGitHub ActionsからSSH通信できます。 モバイル通知の対応 iOS 16.4 が前の記事の翌?
1 day ago - Boring Guy - Boring Guy
Jun 16, 2022 Introduction I worked on an environment where specific actions are not available at every timestep \(t\) when I started deep
in the inventory”. Limiting the agent to a meaningful choice of actions will enable it to explore in a smarter way and output
1 day ago - IMVU Engineering Blog – Software engineering best practices at IMVU
pretty nice. It’s very easy to follow the sequence of actions we take, and we don’t even have to think about
very much like to have is the ability to deny our actions access to IO when they are running in a unit test.
perfectly sensible for IO to be a context in which World actions can be run. The Haskell Prelude already offers the exact functions
is to review the code, not discuss the appropriate follow-up actions. It’s important not to interrupt the flow of the review
an actual browser window and it performs a set of configurable actions on that web page and verifies that the page behaves as