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1 day ago - About Me | orlp.net
in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required. 2. Altered source versions must be plainly
1 day ago - Tim's Blog
It does feel nice to know my time and effort is appreciated but it’s not something I have ever expected. The purpose
1 day ago - Devin Prater's blog
accessibility department will be big, well-staffed, well-funded, or well-appreciated. That’s how it is everywhere. The CEO or president or
1 day ago - Thoughts from Inside the Box
me I didn't have to rip out the insulation, which I appreciated. Eagle-eyed blog readers might notice that my bike looks a
1 day ago - NextRoll - Engineering
the only team that codes in different techs. Hummus lovers are appreciated. Culture We’ve hit a growth sweet spot—big enough to
1 day ago - Sunil Shenoy - Sunil Shenoy
was difficult, and the reply also had me in tears. They appreciated the extra effort to help them and are still a paying
1 day ago - PREPEND
simulating a load on any app. Any performance profiling tips are appreciated. Most of the stuff I've read is vague and stupid like "
1 day ago - cjlm
of the sweary protagonists of his previous books. Really enjoyed this, appreciated the thorough science, twists and dedication to an idea. book icon
colonialism with a big splash of economic theory to boot. I appreciated the flawed, titular anti-hero. But it doesn’t compel me
1 day ago - Greg Navis | Fractional CTO
Founder at Recast Greg was fantastic to work with. I greatly appreciated his creative product thinking, and the fact that he was able
1 day ago
be under the umbrella of 'alterative' publishing, things that are less appreciated or cared for in 'mainstream' academia such as tutorials, proof of