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1 day ago - Rondam Ramblings
can solve this riddle. Despite the fact that philosophers have been arguing about it for decades, it's actually not that hard. It is
1 day ago - Tim's Blog
to describe: there’s no debate if the person you’re arguing with is mad but besting them intellectually is far more satisfying.
1 day ago - Shashank's Thoughts
the same model. I spent 3 weeks thinking about this and arguing with myself about pros and cons of a refurbished device and
1 month ago - nipafx // You. Me. Java.
Code! #talk #agile #clean‑comments #documentation A heartfelt rant / thoughtful talk arguing for more comments in code 2016-06-24 Java 9 Additions
1 day ago - BillSaysThis – Death is ugly, Life is sexy!
good nights sleep often. All through the day I waste time arguing with myself internally. Counting things, estimating time left or percentages. What
1 day ago - Blog | Vinted Engineering
he should prefer interactor pattern instead of Rails Active Record Callbacks . Arguing against callbacks is easy - thanks to the community there is a
1 day ago - A Few Thoughts on Cryptographic Engineering – Some random thoughts about crypto. Notes from a course I teach. Pictures of my dachshunds.
front. Instead we can sample it “lazily” for the purposes of arguing security. More specifically: means instead of sampling the entire random function
wrote a post that purports to push back on this reporting , arguing that the main issues were with users who got locked out
2 days ago - Infrequently Noted
as a negotiating baseline, forcing competitors to burn time and money arguing down plainly unacceptable terms before they can enter the market. For
1 month ago - Armand Halbert
problem of cooperation and living together. Socrates, however, rejects both positions, arguing instead that morality is an objective part of reality. Continue Reading...
1 day ago - Josh Withers, the group chat
and I stopped to write at a coffeeshop where people were arguing about politics and war and fascism and genocide and a woman