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1 day ago - kyrofa's blog
old corded telephone hooked up to a car battery in a bag that weighed 30 pounds. I thought it was awesome; my father
1 day ago - Tim's Blog
pull up in my road before dumping a McDonald’s paper bag (full of other assorted rubbish) out of his car. Deciding not
for the next week, while out walking I would see the bag, breaking apart and then eventually sending little bits of rubbish all
1 day ago - Letters To A New Developer – What I wish I had known when starting my development career
running route and I had noticed a few days before a bag of dog poop. I had run on by, assuming someone was
1 day ago - Dollchan
Степане. > Сообщают, что со включенным Dollchan Extension Tools сообщения отправляются дважды. Баг. джерело: https://www.2channel.moe/d/res/2956.html#6869 -------------------------------------------------- Mozilla/
1 day ago - Devin Prater's blog
Also, Android Studio is accessible on Windows too. Accessibility, the mixed bag Now we get into the thing I'm all about, accessibility. If
1 day ago - Andrew Wheeler | Crime Analysis and Crime Mapping
1000,oob_score=True) rf.fit(train[xvar],train[yvar]) # Out of bag predictions probs = rf.oob_decision_function_ Now I have intentionally made this as
for the feature engineering example , but I use the out of bag trick for random forests in lieu of having a separate calibration
1 day ago - print "Me" - portable perspectives
but the the elections are done drawing faction cubes from a bag, so there’s a big of randomness (think: parliament). But then,
1 day ago - June Kim
Jun 10, 2015 The Essential Neruda Jun 07, 2015 Denim Sling Bag Mar 01, 2015 The Mythical Man-Month Feb 09, 2015 Butterick's
1 day ago - Sunil Shenoy - Sunil Shenoy
trip to Bali in 2015. Other than the airline losing my bag, we had a really good time on a short three-day
1 day ago - Dane Kouttron
electric mountain board that shrinks and fits as a normal overhead bag Bring your board on an overseas flight! [09.02.17] 3D