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1 day ago - Devin Prater's blog
company, it could work on creating sound scapes for different activities: browsing the web, writing text, coding, reading, to aid in focus or
commands, iOS has given me an almost computer-like experience when browsing the web. Android has some of that, but not the ability
it for playing games, writing blog posts like this one, web browsing, email, note-taking, everything at work, coding, learning to code, and
1 day ago - absorptions
February 27, 2023 This story, too, begins with noise. I was browsing the radio waves with a software radio, looking for mysteries to
wireless data transfer This story, too, begins with noise. I was browsing the radio waves with a software radio, looking for mysteries to
1 day ago - Jerry Ng's blog
Blog with HTMX & JSON API The other day, I was casually browsing the web and stumbled upon the need for an API for
1 day ago - /all/ - Aggregator metaboard
is getting to the point that I am tired of even browsing the internet, but I don't know if that's my fault or
1 day ago - IMVU Engineering Blog – Software engineering best practices at IMVU
stale (although we may still deliver it, for example for offline browsing purposes.) Request Chattiness (Latency) Our document-like object model looks like
1 month ago - Ontology is overrated, revisited - Fabian's public notepad
to make use of a number of smaller link collections: manually browsing through every single link collection known to you would likely turn
1 month ago - Erethon's Corner
post that I've kept postponing (pun intended) for ages. I enjoy browsing The Setup and I always longed for an easy way to
1 month ago - Functional[Justin]
REPL Dec 15, 2010 F# vs C# Nov 2, 2010 Just browsing Oct 19, 2010 rgrep on windows 7 for emacs Jul 30,
1 day ago - Emilio’s Blog | My Ph.D. and other tech stuff
queries in Firefox and Chrome It happens relatively often that, while browsing the internet like a normal person, I want to extract some
1 day ago - Peek Read Info
alongside using Imaginary makes images less of an issue for general browsing. But what else can you do after that? Trying to find