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1 day ago - actuality.log – emphatically static
ActivityStreams. This in turn was streamlined and evolved into a specification called ActivityPump, which was later renamed ActivityPub. In 2018, the World Wide
iterating on the underlying ideas until it became a protocol specification called ActivityStreams. This in turn was streamlined and evolved into a specification
was active on a free and open source Twitter-like thing called identi.ca . I was happy there with all the other neck-
1 day ago - GeekWare - Daniel Pecos Martínez
one of my old hard drives, I stumped upon a folder called parchis, and for a moment I held my breath until I
1 day ago - absorptions
It might originally be coming from the 4K Blu-Ray release called Celebrating Mickey. The spectrogram doesn't show almost any compression artifacts that
Lagrange polynomial to interpolate new samples at a steady interval, so called 'digital varispeed'. It was ultimately based on an interesting paper on
local shopping centre. Whatever the case, I learned that they are called pilot tones. Many multi-loudspeaker PA systems (like the Zenitel VPA
play around with video emanations, I heard there is a project called TempestSDR. For generic analog video decoding via a software radio, there
1 day ago - Preshing on Programming
Open Source Game In C++ I just released a mobile game called Flap Hero . It’s a Flappy Bird clone with cartoony graphics
C++. I’m using it to make a little mobile game called Hop Out . Here’s a clip captured from my iPhone 6. (
of that game engine as an open source framework. It’s called the Plywood framework. View the documentation View on GitHub Please note
1 day ago - Unremarkable thoughts | Random stuff that I care about
couple of questions. I was in the first group that got called. From one side, that was positive because it meant that I
two parts: oral and written. During the written exam, we were called in groups of three and for few minutes we were asked
1 day ago - Weekly CS Paper Newsletter - Get a computer science paper every weekend into your inbox
problems with paywalls and are limited access. I only select so-called open access papers that are free to read for anyone. None
1 day ago - HookRace Blog
which started out as a little server of a Teeworlds modification called DDRace. It has turned into the biggest project within Teeworlds, offering
to start something new. I’m working on a new game called HookRace, which will be the successor to DDraceNetwork. It will be
1 day ago - miqu.me
Google spreadsheets Last thursday I gave a talk at NSLondon meetup called ‘Minimum Viable Tooling’. The topic was examples of approaching tooling and
1 day ago - About · Philipe Fatio
and helped a friend build a fully mobile e-commerce solution called Kickshops . From 2014 to 2020 I worked at ElectricFeel as a
1 day ago - truth industri.es | giles bowkett’s blog about code and music
Tidal Cycles (Haskell) — which all share the same foundation: a system called SuperCollider. I’m going to show you how to build a