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1 month ago - Drawing repetitive radial artworks – alexwlchan
trying to draw various patterns that could be repeated around a central point. This is easy to imagine, but quite fiddly to do
what if I repeated a pattern in a circle around a central point”. By Alex Chan. If you like what I do, perhaps
coordinate system where points are determined by: their distance from a central point (the radius ) their angle from a specified direction (the angle )
2 days ago - Simon Lyall's Blog – New Zealand, Sysadmin, Linux, Curry, Transport
is cheaper than under-grounding. It would be underground though the central city however. Total length would be around 36km of which around
should head underground and have a series of stops in the Central City. I would suggest Central Wynyard Quarter near Madden St Near
would be 8km. Followups Lines The above two lines probably give Central Auckland significant metro coverage to last many years. Future lines in
APIs Incrementally clean and improve codebase How it works now Supernode – Central co-ordination point, public IP, Some access control, Last-resort for
near Sarawia St. There should be at least one station in Central Newmarket near the existing Train station to allow transfers South of
1 day ago - Made Tech - Technology made better
with Working across organisations to help them deliver better digital experiences. Central government Health and care Local government Energy, utilities and environment Public
delivery Legacy application modernisation Products Products Repairs Voids Evidence Industries Industries Central government Local government Health and care Public safety and national security
impact through digital, data and technology services. Who we work with Central government Health and care Local government Housing Education Energy, utilities and
1 day ago - Forward Scattering - The Weblog of Nicholas Chapman
much everyone disagreed with me. Oh well, such is life. My central point in that article was that it matters which language we
1 day ago - Devin Prater's blog
done. Braille, image descriptions, all that. And if there’s a central point to what I’ve learned, it’s this: do not
asked around, and found a workaround. If you use the Speech Central app, you can stop the speech, touch the middle of the
is really good at. There are a few apps, like Speech Central, which do display the text in a scrolling web view, so
1 day ago - The Language Of My Soul Blog
final limitation would be suffering. My sharehouse was 2km from the Central Business District (CBD) of the city. I used to run 2km
eyes reach is somewhere you can never touch. The city, the central hub that has access to nearly everything. Cuisines of the world.
1 day ago - Camas Meditation Group
and concrete is actually only dependent on the surrounding causes is central to our meditation practices. We meditate on the five aggregates and
2 days ago - Svedic.org
insisted on following Amazon’s procedures and principles. Here are the central tenets of the Church of Jeff Bezos, in no particular order.
needed approval from the database team to make changes to the central Amazon database. Then they needed to get the approval and materials
exposing API when it takes less time to connect to a central database. And why write internal documentation when a coworker can ask
1 day ago - Tony Finch
at the University of Cambridge at first helping to run the central email services, and in later years running the University’s DNS .
1 day ago - Dollchan
усмотрению пользователя строку." Допустим, вы имеете текст: /waifu/ waifu thread shitpost central post your waifu Post too long. Click to view . Bytebeat SthephanShi