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1 day ago - Thoughts from Inside the Box
income Americans via Medicaid, and the Gates Foundation funding private biotech companies doing medical research that can benefit low- and middle-income countries
being disenchanted with the endless streams of disingenuous verbal diarrhea that companies spew in the name of attracting talent. 3 But I also
1 day ago - RobKohr's Blog
fun original game. Basically you are one of a number of companies competing to develop on Mars and you acquire resources and trade
1 day ago - Vadim Kravcenko - Fractional CTO. Part-time Technical Co-Founder. Helping Startups Scale.
go from early-stage startup to late-stage business. I've helped companies release multitudes of products and these guides will help you turn
1 day ago - print "Me" - portable perspectives
providing business incentives or cheap Healthcare. They also manage state-run companies, and need to run on a balanced budget, if the public
abundant healthcare, taxes are high and wages are high .. privately run companies become unprofitable and lobby for changes to regulation, but fail .. private
high. Capitalists get points by gaining money. They can open new companies, do business deals, and trade on the foreign market. They decide
size of the public sector (i.e. how many state run companies exist), and how much the government can get in debt. Labor
shut down .. the state runs a deficit because there are less companies paying taxes, less money from tariffs, less employed workers but the
Washington consensus agenda of free market, low tariffs and less privatized companies. The state also needs to deal with events and particular requests,
they can get cheap goods from abroad .. but this makes private companies unprofitable, so they shut down .. the state runs a deficit because
1 day ago - The Language Of My Soul Blog
managerial fad that has taken over the world. A majority of companies have these, it could even be disguised under a different name
accomplish this goal. A practice that occurs more and more in companies these days, where the leader sets some ambitious goals, says various
or no. Is that so much to ask for? Now for companies, they might be some legal basis, such as preventing evidence on
1 day ago - Philipp Zentner
Web 3, SaaS, and Entrepreneurship I build Web 3 and SaaS companies. Follow my learnings. Philipp Zentner Philipp Zentner October 19, 2023 Advice
of experience in working with and in academics, biotech, CROs/pharma companies. This post sums up these shared experiences. The bioinformatics industry is
1 day ago - Sean Wilson, Web app designer & developer, Edinburgh, UK
now. ➜ Previous projects I've completed web and mobile projects for 20+ companies, and independently launched my own commercially successful apps. Checkbot is probably
years where I’ve delivered software solutions to individuals and large companies from all over the world. I also work on my own
10+ years of experience who can help. I've collaborated with global companies like Just Eat and Triumph Motorcycles, created my own commercially successful
1 day ago - Welcome, my friend - Inverted Passion
Business, Economics) Endowment effect in business (Business, Psychology) What food delivery companies can learn from Netflix (Business, Economics, Systems) Librarians make more money
consciousness yet (Biology, Physics, Technology) 2021 Consumers hate getting sold to, companies love it (Mental Models) Consumers want to conform, companies want to
founder is to communicate clarity (Mental Models) People don’t leave companies, they leave their bosses (Mental Models) Don’t hire for roles,
1 day ago - Sunil Shenoy - Sunil Shenoy
is not the style I associate with. I associate more with companies like Bare Bones Software - BBEdit . Continue to build, maintain and improve
gives your users an insight into why the software/hardware failed. Companies often depend on external services; sometimes, bugs are outside the company’
Software or hardware is bound to fail; when it does, people/companies responsible for maintaining the software/hardware fix it as soon as
I wanted to change to make the software better at previous companies that I worked at. → 9:25 AM, Dec 4 RSS JSON
1 day ago - Honeypot.net
Cleaning (7251). Gun advocacy extremists make it sound like credit card companies are trying to do something new and unique to punish gun
help tell them. Jul 7, 2024 ∞ California now requires credit card companies to assign a merchant category code to gun stores. Stripe has