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1 day ago - Devin Prater's blog
the hands of a few amazing blind hackers (as in increddibly competent programmers)), to land at https://brltty.app , where you can download
1 day ago - Raymond P. Burkholder - Things I Do
Google Analytics Google Custom Search "... an engineer who is not only competent at the analytics and technologies of engineering, but can bring value
1 day ago - Gus Van Horn
needed incentive to vote for Trump. But aside from being a competent and sane-looking alternative to Kamala Harris in the unusually important
count Vance's youth here because I rate him as much more competent than his Democratic counterpart. Lucas's reasons for these are all pretty
1 day ago - PREPEND
Arthur C. Clarke or William Gibson book. Now there are more competent programmers who wouldn't know Star Wars from Star Trek and don't
1 day ago - HookRace Blog
the language, but luckily the community, albeit small, is active and competent. All the small code pieces I wrote are now on Github
1 day ago - thomas vilhena's blog
s a superintelligent being, is to consider it as a very competent intern — one that can receive generic instructions and carry out low
precision. So, in the context of easy wins, avoid assigning your competent intern tasks that are too broad in scope, overly complex, or
1 day ago - GDPR Defender
hype and worry, very few individuals and organisations were actually consciously competent with regards to navigating and complying with the new legislation. As
2 days ago - Stevey's Blog Rants
or Thor, or whoever, take your pick), and he possesses the competent, modest, sexily reserved flawed-hero look of Captain America (or Thor,
1 day ago - The Walkabout Blog
minor privilege of being able to ask friends who are more competent in such matters than me about it. When I see friends
1 day ago - cjlm
is depressing. Despite some missteps, Mozilla’s Firefox is still a competent choice and Nightly has a sweet logo. This could be a