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1 day ago - Extreme Learning - Always curious. Always learning.
same reason that the golden ratio, $\phi=1.6180334..$, can be considered the most irrational number, that $1+\sqrt{2}$ can be considered
irrational number, and indeed why $(9+\sqrt{221})/10$ can be considered the 3rd most irrational number. Continue reading “Going beyond the Golden
1 month ago - Promises in Unity – IMVU Engineering Blog
said to be rejected. Either accepting or rejecting the promise is considered to be resolving it, and when it’s resolved the appropriate
needed to be able to run asynchronous code from anywhere. We considered implementing our own version of coroutines using roughly the same syntax,
up, it’s still null. Conclusion When designing this API, we considered many different options that we dismissed: Continuation Passing Style – We dismissed
1 day ago - Dave Cheney | The acme of foolishness
func small() and a call to func large(), thus it is considered a non-leaf function. Historically this would have prevented it from
Log:", i) } } Note: Calling fmt.Println inside a test is generally considered a no no as it bypasses the testing package’s output
the same. Reference types like maps and channels, like pointers, are considered to be the same if they have the same address. These
1 day ago - Rondam Ramblings
that. There are a lot of different examples of (what is considered to be) "mathematical truth" but let me start with the most
to show how it can be used to tackle what is considered to be a philosophical problem, something called the New Riddle of
point where someone who does not share these intuitions can be considered mentally ill. For example, here are some things that are widely
leads immediately to a contradiction. Another interesting example, which is not considered nearly as often but which I think is equally interesting, is
a broad term that covers all of the theories that were considered the current-best-explanations before about 1900. It includes things like
1 day ago - A Few Thoughts on Cryptographic Engineering – Some random thoughts about crypto. Notes from a course I teach. Pictures of my dachshunds.
assumptions, in the sense that the existence of such functions is considered to be one of the most “ plausible ” cryptographic assumptions we have,
between the pair is small enough, the two codes can be considered to derive from the same iris. That means the coding must
in fairly surprising amounts of data transfer. This is not usually considered to be a problem on the general Internet or within EC2
a panel on “ chat control “: the new content scanning regime being considered by the EU Commission. Among various requirements, this proposed legislation would
solution for folks who don’t. While many problems have been considered (and often discarded), most schemes we use today are based on
implications of their proposal, and they do not seem to have considered how it will harm the security of our global communications systems.
post I’m going to focus on the specific application being considered in the EU: the use of privacy-preserving computation to conduct
1 day ago - Jay Fields' Thoughts
the advice applies well for the lifetime of a project. I considered sending that list to the person looking for new engagement advice,
1 day ago - Forward Scattering - The Weblog of Nicholas Chapman
more powerful kind of fuzzing - coverage-guided fuzzing, which can be considered a white-box approach, since it uses knowledge of what code
shortest program, as opposed to the fastest. If the programs being considered are 'Turing-complete' (or 'Turing-machine equivalent'), then either kind of
in a language is very dangerous. Each case should be closely considered by the designer(s). And in this case it's just a
it has smallest worst-case running time of all Turing machines considered so far, remember it. Once all potential Turing machines have been
finite number of effectively-different Turing machines that need to be considered. Then the fastest can be found by testing each Turing machine
so far, remember it. Once all potential Turing machines have been considered, the one with the lowest worst-case running time that computes \(
1 day ago - Lacking Rhoticity
version is ambiguous because there are multiple selector values that are considered to be null. Does this mean "SegmentSelector == 0" or "SegmentSelector in (
addresses and so only tests one channel. (Maybe this could be considered a bug.) Possible further testing There are two further experiments we
1 day ago - Devin Prater's blog
and explaining and promoting accessibility to a community which has never considered it before, but it all may help. For a great, and
1 day ago - andrestc.com · André Carvalho
non-volatile storage. When the data hits this layer, it is considered to be “safe.” Basically, when we write to a file (opened
cgroup has the same name in resourceA and resourceB they are considered distinct. Some of the available resources are: blkio: Block IO controller -