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1 day ago - Dave Cheney | The acme of foolishness
GOSSAFUNC graph for a method The Go compiler’s SSA backend contains a facility to produce HTML debugging output of the compilation phases.
function and methods. Let’s start with a sample program which contains a function, a value method, and a pointer method: package main
know, are implemented as a two word structure . Each interface value contains a field which holds the type of the interface’s contents,
err) // &main.Result{Foo:(*string)(0xc0000102f0)} <nil> } In this example Result contains a pointer typed field, Foo *string. During JSON decoding Unmarshal allocated
comparing the bit patterns of a and b because the structure contains padding . Go requires each field in a struct to be naturally
recursively–for example in the case of a complex structure which contains pointers to other structures–but it also applies to the value
mid-stack inlining in the previous example. After inlining, func main() contains the body of func small() and a call to func large(),
2 days ago - IMVU Engineering Blog – Software engineering best practices at IMVU
and relationships of the Nodes, and the corresponding Node Group Document contains a list of URLs, each locating a Node. A Node, through
of Node. The corresponding Edge Group Document, specific to a Node, contains a list of URLs, each locating an Edge within that group.
contain properties, as we saw last time. An Edge Document therefore contains a URL for the Node at the other end of the
basic repository of information in the network. The Node Group Document contains the values of the Node’s properties, as well as a
this array. A Node Document has two members. The “data” member contains the Node’s properties. The “relations” member contains the URLs that
for when the Edge has properties, and a “relations” member which contains the URL for the Node at the other end of the
1 day ago - Fabulous adventures in coding | Eric Lippert's blog
Kx)y , not K(xy) .) Suppose there is a forest which contains a kestrel and moreover in this particular forest K is fond
own. Recall that we proved the theorem “ if a compositional forest contains a mockingbird then every bird in the forest has a fixpoint “.
An equivalent way to state that theorem is: “ if a forest contains a bird without a fixpoint then either the forest is not
and so on. Let’s suppose this forest is compositional and contains a bird, call it S , which has no fixpoint. We could
some credit for consistency at least.) Theorem : if a compositional forest contains a mockingbird then every bird in the forest is fond of
we have an RVID for each observation and query; the RVID contains a reference to the original function object. Python’s runtime can
for the confusion, this is a different bird. If a forest contains both a starling and a kestrel, can you show that there
1 day ago - Annoying Technology
no indication where that goes to exactly or what that report contains. Manuel was annoyed on July 7, 2024 at 13:53 Siri
1 day ago - Jay Fields' Thoughts
string. The scope expansion becomes even worse when the helper function contains code branches. As for alternatives, my solution would depend on the
followed when new engagements began. The remainder of this blog post contains my (slightly edited) response. I found being a lead at ThoughtWorks
1 day ago - A Few Thoughts on Cryptographic Engineering – Some random thoughts about crypto. Notes from a course I teach. Pictures of my dachshunds.
second party will end up with a “modified” ciphertext that internally contains a final calculation result, but that it cannot read. To finish
against the results coming from the oracle. If the box truly contains a PRF, then with high probability she’ll eventually find a
results as what comes out of the box; if the box contains a random function, then she probably won’t. To rule such
into an oracle can be computationally indistinguishable from an oracle that contains a random function (with the same domain and range), provided the
adversary’s perspective, therefore, the ability to distinguish whether the oracle contains a random permutation or a random function devolves to querying the
definition a bit! Imagine that I create a black box that contains one of two possible items, chosen with equal probability. Item (1)
and I’m slightly disappointed in that.) Unlike standard cryptocurrencies, TrustlessCoin contains one unusual and slightly horrifying technological twist . Where standard cryptocurrencies rely
1 day ago - Lacking Rhoticity
This means that, for each DIMM: Each of the DIMM's banks contains 2^15 rows (32768 rows). Each row contains 2^10 * 64
called DPL (Descriptor Privilege Level). The specification for the IRET instruction contains a rule which says that: If we are switching to a
userland (ring 3), and if a segment register's hidden DPL field contains a value specifying a more-privileged privilege level than what we're
CPUs together on high-end multi-socket systems.) Each cache slice contains 2048 cache sets. On lower-end CPUs, cache sets are 12-
2017). I found that the pseudocode has changed slightly. It now contains an explicit "SegmentSelector == NULL" check: RETURN-TO-OUTER-PRIVILEGE-LEVEL: ... FOR
kernel mode, not just to user mode. AMD's documentation for IRET contains similar pseudocode: IF (changing CPL) { FOR (seg = ES, DS, FS, GS)
1 day ago - winrickLabs Blog
and check them into github in the same repo. The repository contains a NodeJS app and when a GitHub event fires to the
was that each Route has many Step[] arrays. Each Step just contains a few floats and a Position object now (which also has
endpoint (#2) loads our iframe content. The comment-ui script (#3) contains the code for the widget and #4 is the api call
1 day ago - JerryGamblin.com – Researcher. Builder. Hacker. Traveler.
most interesting data points so far this year. This GitHub repo contains the code for all the data and graphs this blog uses.
1 day ago - The Qiqitori Blogs
to re-create the original PCB. There is a PDF that contains high-res images that look like this: These can be printed
mentioned earlier, in Inkscape, when you break apart a path that contains “holes”, you’ll end up with a large mass obscuring the