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1 day ago - /pol/ - Politically Incorrect - Archive - 4chan
You won't do shit libsharts. Take your …[ View ]475524861 I will convince you to vote Trump.: Debate me cowards[ View ]475540425 >Obliterates the
475472151The earth isn’t dying, humanity is, “environmentalists” are trying to convince you that the earth wi…[ View ]475487976>Biden has a bad
the country. how do Dems reconcile this…[ View ]475540211 I will convince you to vote Trump: Continued from another thread. Debate me, cowards.[
475508482One of these five honkeys will be Kamala's VP and help convince crackers to give her a chance. …[ View ]475508464At least now we
1 day ago - Rondam Ramblings
on a computer with a screen. I probably don't have to convince you that that screen is a real thing. But why do
is a real thing. But why do I not have to convince you of that? Why can I take it for granted that
Snakes image is static. There are a couple of ways to convince yourself of this. One is to focus on very small parts
seems when you first encounter it. I am not hoping to convince that it's true here -- that is much too big a task
1 day ago - A Few Thoughts on Cryptographic Engineering – Some random thoughts about crypto. Notes from a course I teach. Pictures of my dachshunds.
of all this? My goal in writing this post was to convince you that Dilithium is “easy” to understand — after all, it’s
limited, but if I thought that using all of it to convince you of this single fact was necessary, I would do that.
values to work with after several runs of the protocol. To convince ourselves that the boxes don’t leak, we must use the
proposal is that it falls apart very quickly if Victor can convince Peggy to run the protocol with him multiple times. If Victor
need to prove identity to multiple different Verifiers, or to repeatedly convince the same Verifier of our identity. The problem with the strawman
i.e., does not know her secret key — should fail to convince Victor, except with some astronomically small (negligible) probability. (Why do we
be sound, meaning that only Peggy (and not an impersonator) can convince Victor to accept. We’ve made an informal argument for both
1 day ago - The Language Of My Soul Blog
her life with us” Carl scoffs. I never do manage to convince them, but it gives enough time for the girl to slip
her life with us” Carl scoffs. I never do manage to convince them, but it gives enough time for the girl to slip
1 day ago - /all/ - Aggregator metaboard
I cant then theres at least 8 or so hours to convince other people to join Onee-sama 19 7月 2024 (金) 01:
1 day ago - Junk Heap Homotopy
lines two inches in front of my retinas was enough to convince me that the way we interface with computers right now is
gated skill trees where their position is locally unpopular might just convince them to take a second look at this whole notkilleveryone-ist
a giant skill tree with a test that goes something like: "Convince these top 3-5 alignment researchers that your plan is going
1 day ago - Dave Cheney | The acme of foolishness
able to write a test for your fix, how will you convince a reviewer that it actually fixed what it fixed? All you
si) 15 . . } 16 . . } The allocation occurs because the compiler currently cannot convince itself that ss outlives si. The general attitude amongst Go compiler
1 day ago - Thoughts from Inside the Box
removing misery from the world" - In this mode, I try to convince myself that the work I'm doing is not only keeping me
1 day ago - Senko Rašić
hit it off immediately and after some time I managed to convince him to join me as a cofounder. I consider this to
being a decent thing to do, we figured (correctly) it would convince many schools to stay with us the next year. The mad
this idea without a second though, and even my cofounder didn't convince me otherwise. But this question at the Startup School office hours
1 day ago - Tim's Blog
sort of justification but I’m not going to try to convince you why you need to play this game. It was meaningful