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1 month ago - Reserve Studies - A Policy Analysis | ℤ→ℤ
Licensing: A Framework for Policymakers is a good resource, detailing the costs and benefits of licensure and the many policy alternatives. Reduced need
variety of building types and typical 50 year maintenance and repair costs and tasks which can be used as benchmarks. In (CAI, 2020),
the entire inventory. (This assumes there are no out-of-inventory costs and all projects complete within their allotted budget.) Let’s now
the standards, practitioners often provide some estimate of uncertainty for the costs and will plot low and high error bounds of their financial
far, you may have noted the high impact of inflation on costs and uncertainty. Inflation is highly variable, and thus the impact uncertain,
shared reserve studies, they could all benefit from tracking trends in costs and actual life expectancies of key components. We propose the following
knowledge Practitioners quantify impact by cost Practitioners include uncertainty estimates on costs and remaining life Professional bodies advocate mitigation of inflation Associations work
1 day ago - Svedic.org
for the hell of it. They calculate all of their business costs and then add their margin to it. Consider the following examples
They are proprietary, legacy systems that have no incentive to cut costs. And because of the issues above, fees are higher than they
billion . But that report doesn’t take into account the indirect costs of fraud, like the costs of issuing replacement cards or the
model that the majority of people are not aware of. It costs average US household around $400 per year. To understand the model,
and blades model, where customers are not aware of the recurring costs, because they pay them indirectly . Which is exactly what credit card
surprising that so many shop owners are trying to lower the costs by refusing credit cards. There’s no disputing the anarchist charm
1 month ago - nipafx // You. Me. Java.
build Atom on Gentoo straight from the sources. 2016-03-07 Costs And Benefits Of Comments #post #clean‑comments #documentation As with most
currency for comments is time. This is an analysis of the costs and benefits of comments. 2016-02-08 Implied Readability With requires
1 day ago - pamela fox's blog
embedding")]) Once again, the top result is the table with the costs and exact string of $45.00. When the user asks that
when there's function calling involved, since that also uses up token costs, and the exact way it uses up the token costs depends
policies like healthcare and benefits. Let's start by searching "what plan costs $45.00?" with a pure vector search using an AI Search
pure vector search using an AI Search index: search_query = "what plan costs $45.00" search_vector = get_embedding(search_query) r = search_client.search(None, top=3,
with tiktoken , OpenAI guides: Managing tokens , and GPT-4 vision: Calculating costs . Basically, we can use the tiktoken library to figure out the
3) The top result for that query contain a table of costs for the health insurance plans, with a row containing $45.00.
1 day ago - Nicola Iarocci
solar economics. As the cumulative production of a manufactured good increases, costs go down. As costs go down, demand goes up. As demand
down, demand goes up. As demand goes up, production increases—and costs go down further. This cannot go on for ever; production, demand
1 day ago - Shopify Engineering
by Raman Lally Nov 9, 2022 Data Science & Engineering Reducing BigQuery Costs: How We Fixed A $1 Million Query by Calvin Zhou Nov
1 day ago - A Few Thoughts on Cryptographic Engineering – Some random thoughts about crypto. Notes from a course I teach. Pictures of my dachshunds.
need for more interaction between each pair of devices. Although these costs are not particularly unbearable, it’s important to remember that phone
and BLE/WiFi bandwidth is precious to Apple, so even minor costs are hard to bear. Finally, Apple may not view this as
course, some clever solutions — but each one entails some limitations and costs. A “folklore” 1 approach works like this: Instead of picking one
one problem often just makes new problems, or creates major new costs, or else shifts the risks and costs to other parts of
1 day ago - Dave Cheney | The acme of foolishness
returning to the caller. In Go a function call carries additional costs to support dynamic stack growth. On entry the amount of stack
1 day ago - Tiago Rodrigues
S3 to speed up content deliver as well as reduce S3 costs with cache at edge. If you try to create CloudFront with
1 day ago - The Language Of My Soul Blog
ve been more prevalent with expensive and unreliable communications. If it costs $10 to send a response, would you? There’s a few
enough of the clouds before it reaches the storm phase. The costs for research/investment into cloud clearing technologies, although expensive, it’s