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1 day ago - Dave Peck's Blog
Hoye, writing on Mastodon : People go to Stack Overflow because the docs and error messages are garbage. TLDR exists because the docs and
error messages are garbage. People ask ChatGPT for help because the docs and error messages are garbage. We are going to lose a
the 1970s convince us that it was pure and good that docs and error messages are garbage. Mike takes a look at what
another answer is “all those low-stakes Excel spreadsheets and Word docs that nevertheless do something useful for business somewhere”. There’s a
1 day ago - Neopythonic
read up on generics in PEP 484 (or read mypy’s docs on the subject ). Adding os.scandir() to the stubs for os.
1 day ago - Julia Evans
fantasy heroes Dec 2014 On reading the source code, not the docs Aug 2014 Pair programming is amazing! Except... when it's not. Mar
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1 day ago - Lacking Rhoticity
not appear to be explicitly specified in the Intel or AMD docs -- and since this part of the register is hidden, it is
1 day ago - Devin Prater's blog
created. One can use this in Word Pad, Microsoft Word, Google Docs, LibreOffice, or any other word processor worth something. When I speak
or Markdown interpretation, throughout the whole system, not just in Google Docs, not just in Pages, not just in Word, but in Note
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actual routine happy-path code lines.… Dec 15, 2023 Offline developer docs: Dash docsets via Zeal — Since my earliest university days, I’ve
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1 day ago - TOGoS's Stuff - Nuke24.net
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