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1 day ago - Diary of a Fat Slob
Five minutes hadn't passed since I slipped my note under his door, and nobody else has knocked since Maggie was here. I squinted
Whenever he's locked out, the mumbling man can knock on my door and I'll let him in. He won't have to sleep in
and again after work, I knocked on the mumbling man 's door, but there was no answer either time. That's four times I'd
from Burger King. ♦ ♦ ♦ Here at the hotel, I knocked on #306's door, but there was no answer again. He sure has a busy
just not answering. I do the same thing. Knocks at my door are rare, but when it happens I look through the peephole
I turned on the TV, there was a knock on the door. Five minutes hadn't passed since I slipped my note under his
knocking again, I wrote a note, and slipped it under his door: Hey — I am the fat guy in room 303. If you
1 day ago - Neopythonic
very important engineer worked there. I checked the name on the door and realized I knew him: he had been a grad student
someone I knew long ago, one day I knocked on the door and introduced myself. Yes, he remembered me too, but my delight
1 day ago - The Walkabout Blog
of spacetime caused by mass and energy. This might open a door to the unification of these forces. Newton: I see, then my
accompanies him, though they are not necessarily friends, just colleagues. (The door to the meeting room swings open, and a man named Speuler
1 day ago - thomas vilhena's blog
making yourself available to your colleagues, creating the perception that the door to collaboration is closed. “Hi Alice, unfortunately I'm very short on
an unfavorable judgment of the person’s ability, and closes the door to collaboration. “Bob, kindly share what you've attempted so far, along
1 day ago - Thoughts from Inside the Box
a truck for moving doesn't need a sunroof...or the interior door, and is that insulation on the walls?? People who'd live in
y. *** The things that make it "habitable" are the skylight, interior door, and maybe insulation. Aside from that, it's just a normal box
former home, you get a box truck straight to your front door. The only catch is that, if anyone actually wants to take
1 day ago - RobKohr's Blog
and that MS promises that they won't put in a back door for the NSA. The nice thing... READ MORE (121 words, 1
1 day ago - /all/ - Aggregator metaboard
17069845 G Yd Iq Sn Tm Da Ex 835 KB 3284x1585 door w visor.jpg Hello, dead thread >>17070016 # Onee-sama 25 7月
1 day ago - Forward Scattering - The Weblog of Nicholas Chapman
parallel radix sorting code, once we've got Indigo 4 out the door. Implementing a parallel radix is also quite fun and educational. I
1 day ago - Tim's Blog
signal; Don’t think litter is important? You know where the door is. What constitutes litter? To me, litter is anything that’s
1 day ago - Tommy Bui Nguyen
Odell Resonance and Communities A Civic Technologist's Practice Guide Close the Door and Build the House How to Avoid a Climate Disaster by