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1 day ago - Swiftjective-C | iOS. Indies. Apple. Plus Things.
static var defaultValue : Int { 0 } } extension Double : DefaultValueProvider { static var defaultValue : Double { 0.0 } } extension KeyedDecodingContainer { func decode < T : Codable & DefaultValueProvider > ( _ type :
2 days ago - Maths, Stats & Functional Programming | Formerly known as Idontgetoutmuch's Weblog
11 = getelementptr double , double * %fv0.ad1 , i64 %0 %12 = load double , double * %11 , align 8 %13 = getelementptr double , double * %fv0.ad0 , i64 %0 %
undef , double %9 , i32 0 %17 = insertelement < 2 x double > %16 , double %11 , i32 1 %18 = insertelement < 2 x double > undef , double %13 ,
fmul double %3 , %17 %20 = fsub double %9 , %18 %21 = fsub double %11 , %19 %22 = fmul double %20 , %1 %23 = fmul double %21 , %
undef , double %14 , i32 0 %16 = insertelement < 2 x double > %15 , double %12 , i32 1 %17 = insertelement < 2 x double > undef , double %10 ,
x double > undef , double %9 , i32 0 %13 = insertelement < 2 x double > %12 , double %7 , i32 1 br label %while1.top while1.top: ;
getelementptr double , double * %tmp.ad2 , i64 %ix.start %13 = load double , double * %12 , align 8 %14 = getelementptr double , double * %tmp.ad3 , i64 %ix.
fmul double %5 , %5 %13 = fmul double %7 , %7 %14 = fadd double %12 , %13 %15 = call double @"julia_^_71741" ( double %14 , double 1 .
1 day ago - Algorithms Weekly by Petr Mitrichev
the top of the user's submission history, which appears after a double-click in the corresponding standings cell. And it turns out that
1 day ago - Blog | Vinted Engineering
Mock Test Double. The mocking framework used to create this Test Double can be known as dynamic mock libraries, as defined by Mark
1 day ago - Principia Programmatica
of giving talks Read more → How a Side Project Helped Me Double My Salary 2018-02-04 # career # side project How a meme
1 day ago - NEVERFRIDAY - Portal Berita Seputar Destinasi Wisata Terkini
information or selecting the desired amount to top up. Ensure you double-check all details before confirming the transaction. Once your payment is
1 day ago - Erico Notes
quickly. Francisco warns me that cutting the audio files will take double the time I imagined, and he was right, it was the
1 day ago - Techinch
Here’s where you’ll likely get tripped up. If you double-click on Google’s TXT record value to copy it, your
1 day ago - /pol/ - Politically Incorrect - Archive - 4chan
If you see Joe Biden, know that it is a body double, acto…[ View ]475517716/CHIP/ Comfy Happening in Palestine #1565: Previous >>475483785 ▶
hate the snek so much[ View ]475539055This fat faggot is a double agent: JD Vance repeatedly called for Biden to step down when
isn't /pol/ making this …[ View ]475581636Do presidents of your country get double eyelid surgery?[ View ]475580687Why are you still eating at restaurants?: They
opponent? Or he di…[ View ]475572813MIGAtards should be ashamed of the double standards >MADAME PRESIDENT 2024…[ View ]475576357HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA[ View ]475551124Its clear, THEY'VE GOT
2 days ago - Red Programming Language
and typeset on hash! series.Removes percent-encoding from files, use double-quotes when needed instead.Adds SYSTEM/CATALOG/ACCESSORS.Allows pair! for