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1 day ago - Thoughts from Inside the Box
the middle of nowhere, the only external activity I can do easily is hiking; stuff like going to restaurants requires driving into town
1 day ago - Serverless: Zero-Friction Serverless Apps On AWS Lambda & Beyond.
164,000,000+ Downloads Technology Partner Develop. Zero-friction serverless development. Easily define your applications as functions and events. Declare AWS Lambda functions
AWS account or region. Share secrets, outputs, and AWS accounts. Securely. Easily share secrets, outputs from your serverless applications and delegate AWS account
1 day ago - datalars
in remotely via SSH. Additionally, it lets you use FISH to easily copy files from the Retrocorder to your main machine; SSH-enabled
who will halt the boot process if a keyboard isn't connected - easily fixed by changing the BIOS settings not to halt on keyboard
1 day ago - print "Me" - portable perspectives
at making up characters (more than their parents), so they can easily invent a character. But they are also bad at having them
1 day ago - The Language Of My Soul Blog
should be absolutely dominit. Who do you think would win? Would easily crush the opposing force. The larger one right? Well, that’s
to fight properly, again, trained with outdated tactics and strategies and easily get annihilated by the enemy. Their equipment is outdated and thoroughly
1 day ago - Rondam Ramblings
that are easily resolved (and also bad science pedagogy that is easily recognized) once one comes to this realization. It is a hugely
1 day ago - NaturalNews.com
less fixed and more volatile, which means they tend to evaporate easily. In contrast, so-called "fixed... Views // Share Finance & Economy 07/24/
1 day ago - Linux, Embedded, Android and Security blog – linux, android, aosp, embedded
dists like please find another tutorial online. Basically, gerrit can be easily be installed by chkconfig. problem is that chkconfig is no longer
1 day ago - Evan Fields – Personal website
decidedly mixed. In any particular case, error on my part could easily explain dissatisfying results. But repeat mediocrity makes me suspicious: I’m
1 day ago - Welcome, my friend - Inverted Passion
Only the paranoid survive (Business, Personal) Why do introverts get depressed easily? (Psychology) Simpson’s paradox, or why your intuition about averages is