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1 day ago - Rondam Ramblings
appear to move when you look at it. That is powerful evidence that the motion is an illusion, but it's not proof . How
News. Everyone would know. The absence of Big News is therefore evidence that no one has found any credible evidence against the obvious
the absence of extraordinary evidence, the absence of Big News, is evidence that the extraordinary claim, i.e. the claim that goes against
turn out to be wrong. Some theories are very tentative, and evidence that they are wrong barely makes the news at all. Other
in the universe which we don't yet fully understand, but no evidence that it has any effect on any experiment we can conduct
of how brains work has grown dramatically . Again, there is no evidence that there is anything going on inside a human brain that
you are a normal human) is a constant stream of overwhelming evidence that there is lower-case-t truth out there, and the
1 day ago - NaturalNews.com
from the roof shortly after the shooting. Thus, we have zero evidence of any spent brass on the roof at all. The "crime
25 UPDATE: After many days of analyzing audio, video and photographic evidence of the attempted assassination of President Trump, I cannot currently find
the attempted assassination of President Trump, I cannot currently find any evidence whatsoever to support the notion that Crooks fired any shots at
notion that Crooks fired any shots at all. There is overwhelming evidence, however, in support of the idea that he was a patsy.
in gender-confused youth A recent independent review has found no evidence that halting the prescription of puberty blockers to transgender-identifying children
1 day ago - The Language Of My Soul Blog
s decent. Still seen with a stigma of low quality, but evidence of improvements is obvious. The 3D animations isn’t pixar quality
s decent. Still seen with a stigma of low quality, but evidence of improvements is obvious. The 3D animations isn’t pixar quality
drive towards real females and pre-mature ejaculation. Most of the evidence is anecdotes. Somehow I think research would be difficult. What would
for companies, they might be some legal basis, such as preventing evidence on discrimination. But for sharehouse listers? Surely they’d know how
1 day ago - /pol/ - Politically Incorrect - Archive - 4chan
the world really ran by jews?: I have seen alot of evidence that jews are highly represented when…[ View ]475555121Reminder that Kamala has
one who can say this?[ View ]475516290what is the most undeniable evidence that 6,000,000 jews were deliberately gassed or killed for
on Kamala: What are some bad things you've heard about her? Evidence is great if you have…[ View ]475547237Is this white man's paradise?:
to be a Trump supporter, but after looking at the overwhelming evidence, I ha…[ View ]475531790YOU WERE WARNED PARIS, - DEUS EX WARNED YOU -
the Americ…[ View ]475515768>comes out as troon >a mountain of evidence showing he’s a huge child predator unsurfaces Like…[ View ]475528841MAGA[
supporting our girl? >locks up 1000’s of niggers using fake evidence …[ View ]475529928 Mr Beast HIMSELF outed as a pedo: IT'S OVER.[
1 day ago - Junk Heap Homotopy
long periods of time, then wouldn't that at least count as evidence that you do in fact have some capability as a researcher
1 day ago - IMVU Engineering Blog – Software engineering best practices at IMVU
of packets with bad checksums but didn’t find any other evidence of that. We inspected several network traces and found that while
1 day ago - IFERS
Dan-cer Sun, Moon, Stars, and Planets 35 Topics1418 Posts Video evidence o... Wed Jul 10, 2024 1:17 pm defrank God, Creation,
1 day ago - Josh Withers, the group chat
the long arc of our life which gives us decades of evidence that we haven’t gone without yet, and all trend lines
are experts in land and bushfire management, and we also have evidence that being caught in a bushfire isn’t exactly conducive to
retrieved from the soldiers who had seized them. They indicated no evidence of the firefight the US military claimed had prompted the strike.
1 day ago - Forward Scattering - The Weblog of Nicholas Chapman
the CMB. Personally I regard the CMB as some kind of evidence for absolute space and time. General relativity (the theory of gravity
1 day ago - Ayende @ Rahien
behavior , which was super confusing. This means that I had experimental evidence to say that this is broken. But it didn’t make