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1 day ago - cjlm
of the world. The goal of personal interpersonal relationships is a feeling of community. Use separation of tasks to “unravel the threads of
bottom bowl was left alone. I like loops and cycles. The feeling of resolution when something comes back to where it started. Or
impactful. Recording my reading publicly is a net benefit for the feeling of accomplishment and sharpening my critiquing pencil. I find it hard
if it wasn’t an audiobook. I couldn’t shake the feeling of a condescending tone illustrated by unremarkable anecdotes, along with inconsequential
infographic A mild conviction on infographics, loosely held If you were feeling charitable I suspect I could persuade you that everything is an
Money Stuff years ago but had to cut it loose after feeling overwhelmed by the sheer volume and quality of this daily newsletter.
1 day ago - Camas Meditation Group
about the work itself, but how it left me feeling. This feeling of having never experienced anything like it before. And then the
of having never experienced anything like it before. And then the feeling of now having experienced it. First time. Before and after. It's
it. First time. Before and after. It's actually quite a strange feeling - and the interesting thing is that it a common one. The
fact that this is a misuse of the term. My own feeling is that if she had used the word ' dukkha '
1 day ago - Devin Prater's blog
cold, sterile, and rundown feel of Windows, or the somewhat empty feeling of Android. Published: February 3, 2023 Debug Site Properties &hugolib.SiteInfo{
they ever need. I wish I could find that. Feel that feeling of not needing to switch to another laptop just to use
some iPhone apps. She finds a “menu” tab, and activates that. Feeling around this new screen, she finds the updates item, and double
pot clang, or a door slam, it’s like a stinging feeling in my arms or shoulders. So I stay home and chill.
disabilities would consider ableism due to the fact of differently abled feeling more like inspiration porn), have to compromise on what modifications they
that. I, and every other blind person, am a living, thinking, feeling person. Notice that I didn’t say “blind user” above? No.
iOS, you get a lot of tasks, like how you’re feeling today, or health questions, out of order. So you hear one
2 days ago - SpeedLedger Tech blog
be found at https://mharlin.github.io/ScalaForJavaDevelopers/ . I got the feeling that the presentation was well received by the audience. When all
them saw opportunities to use it at work. I get the feeling that Scala is becoming more popular and accepted even in enterprise
the only choice before. It’s great to see that my feeling that functional programming languages is getting more popular is also reflected
1 month ago - www.bentasker.co.uk
complex the problem the happier I am, leading to a real feeling of ambivalence whenever I'm asked to investigate a compromised server - it's
had some interactions with Bonnie's previous owner which has left me feeling quite annoyed and frustrated. I find that writing can be quite
1 day ago - List of posts -
Yet I was thinking at the Redis 6 release with the feeling that, what was probably the most important feature at all, the
in Rust. From the tone of certain replies, I got the feeling that many people think linked lists are like a joke. A
the same time. It was some kind of nirvana I was feeling: a complete control of small, self-contained, and useful code. There
the negative side; simply make sure you don’t get the feeling it is just that, there is also a lot of good
of Manhattan, completely in love with the landscape and the wonderful feeling of being just a number among millions of other numbers. Yet
1 day ago - Tim's Blog
own destinies 13th August, 2023 I spent years grappling with a feeling of inferiority having not graduated from university. When I finished school
to Celery Man . While I laugh, there’s a slightly eerie feeling at the back of my mind that perhaps I shouldn’t
so much hate that the only likely outcome is to leave feeling burned. First I want to talk about some of the behaviours
where the discussion is taking place, only where the strength of feeling seems to be so great so long after the game’s
The Last of Us is its moral ambiguity that left me feeling so conflicted. This was the game’s greatest strength. Having read
1 day ago - Evan Todd
a great party that I wish could go on forever. The feeling that there has to be more than this. I think everyone
satisfaction.” A homesickness for a place I’ve never been. That feeling at the end of a great party that I wish could
has to be more than this. I think everyone has that feeling. Ecclesiastes says God has set eternity in the human heart. I
the people didn’t revolt on the fifth day. I hate feeling stupid. I’m frustrated that this project is taking so long
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1 day ago - Jerry Ng's blog
to text converters available for this task, I couldn't shake the feeling of unease about uploading my private documents to unknown servers. Who