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1 day ago - Dave Cheney | The acme of foolishness
The spec says that struct values are comparable if all their fields are comparable . Thus two structs are equal iff each of their
are comparable . Thus two structs are equal iff each of their fields are equal. a := S{1, 2, 3, 4} b := S{1,
and so on 1 . The compiler inserts padding to ensure the fields are aligned to according to their type and the underlying platform.
difficult for the caller to properly initialise all the reference type fields in a structure before decoding unknown JSON without first inspecting the
to compare two values of type S by comparing only the fields in the function while skipping over the padding. Type algorithms Phew,
embedding a type inside a struct allows the embedded type’s fields and methods to be accessed as if it were declared on
for it to point to . json.Unmarshal‘s handling of pointer fields is clearly documented, and works as you would expect, allocating a
1 day ago - xorvoid
theory, data-resiliency, hashing techniches, etc (see also: Learn you Galois Fields for Great Good ) Real Analysis and Probability Theory : Math as a
com/in/anthony-bonkoski-2563a158 Series: Abstract Algebra: Learn you Galois Fields for Great Good Recent Articles: 2024 June 10 | Forsp: A Forth+
binaries 2023 October 31 | Random 2023 August 09 | Learn you Galois Fields for Great Good (06): Implementing GF(p^k) 2023 August 08 |
06): Implementing GF(p^k) 2023 August 08 | Learn you Galois Fields for Great Good (05): Polynomial Fields GF(p^k) 2023 August
Polynomial Fields GF(p^k) 2023 August 07 | Learn you Galois Fields for Great Good (04): Polynomial Arithmetic 2023 August 03 | Learn you
Great Good (04): Polynomial Arithmetic 2023 August 03 | Learn you Galois Fields for Great Good (03): Implementing GF(p) 2023 August 01 | Learn
Good (03): Implementing GF(p) 2023 August 01 | Learn you Galois Fields for Great Good (02): Field Theory 2023 August 01 | RAGBRAI L
1 day ago - Zikani's Blog
you can specify that an Entity class should have it's @Id fields set via @GeneratedValue - typically... A few PostgreSQL tricks Oct 8, 2023
1 day ago - Jay Fields' Thoughts
Jay Fields' Thoughts Jay Fields' Thoughts experiences in software development Wednesday, May 17,
1 day ago - Thomas R. Koll | Ruby on Rails developer available for projects remotely and in Austria
DRY controller tests 03 September 2018 Stimulus component: Calculator for input fields 04 August 2018 sitemap_generator using lastmod date from git repo 28
1 day ago - Steven Sklar | My Blog
Resource to represent it. Once you have a Custom Resource with fields and values that clearly explain your application's desired behavior, you can
and version, as well as the formal definitions of our custom fields and standard Kubernetes fields like "apiVersion" and "kind". If you're thinking "
go/tools/leaderelection#LeaderElectionConfig // for more information on the LeaderElectionConfig struct fields el , err := leaderelection . NewLeaderElector ( leaderelection . LeaderElectionConfig { Lock : l , LeaseDuration : time . Second *
and is annotated with the //+kubebuilder:object:root=true comment, the fields from those interfaces (like apiVersion and kind) are included in the
your application's desired behavior, you can then start to generalize these fields into an abstract schema, or CRD. Let's perform this exercise with
Kubernetes, to define a simple Custom Resource Definition with the two fields that I outlined above, the yaml would look something like this: ---
1 day ago - Forward Scattering - The Weblog of Nicholas Chapman
i64, i64, float (float, %base_captured_var_struct*)*, void (%base_captured_var_struct*)*, %anon_func_29_float__captured_var_struct } It has 5 fields: a refcount, some flags (stack or heap allocated), the function pointer,
The trick here is to write into one of the union fields, then read from the other one. float x = 1.0f; union
1 day ago - pamela fox's blog
r = search_client.search(None, top=3, vector_queries=[ VectorizedQuery(search_vector, k_nearest_neighbors=50, fields="embedding")]) The results for that query contain numbers and costs, like
r = search_client.search(search_query, top=15, vector_queries=[ VectorizedQuery(search_vector, k_nearest_neighbors=10, fields="embedding")]) Once again, the top result is the table with the
r = search_client.search(search_query, top=5, vector_queries=[ VectorizedQuery(search_vector, k_nearest_neighbors=10, fields="embedding")]) The third result for that query contains the most relevant
r = search_client.search(search_query, top=5, vector_queries=[ VectorizedQuery(search_vector, k_nearest_neighbors=50, fields="embedding")], query_type="semantic", semantic_configuration_name="default") Now the very top result for
1 day ago - Tim's Blog
own additional computed values I would just add these as new fields, omitting the json struct tags. When I came to add more
1 day ago - Pat Shaughnessy
TDD demonstration November 2008 The auto_complete plugin refactored to support repeated fields and named scopes Testing is a lesson in humility October 2008
in humility October 2008 Modifying the auto_complete Plugin to Allow Repeated Fields Autocomplete plugin doesn’t work for repeated fields September 2008 Problems