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1 day ago - Rondam Ramblings
and unintuitive: it is possible to decompose a sphere into a finite number of parts that can be reassembled to produce two spheres,
induction is this: we are finite beings. There are only a finite number of us humans. Each of us only lives for a
finite amount of time, during which we can only have a finite number of experiences and collect a finite amount of data. How
terms of properties of physical objects because we live in a finite universe. There are not an infinite number of objects, so if
not possibly designate any meaningful quantity of physical objects in our finite universe. It the Banach-Tarski paradox "true"? It depends on whether
1 day ago - The Language Of My Soul Blog
mixed up with strategy. Real strategy is achieving a challenge with finite resources, it’s HOW you’ll accomplish something, not the WHAT
a real strategy is accomplishing a set challenge or task with finite resources, it’s not WHAT we are doing, but HOW are
and a real strategy to achieve a challenge or objective with finite resources. Let’s use this blog as a case study, the
believe he was so entitled that I should fork out my finite funds for his needs? Even more so when there’s government
my life. It also elevated my meals out. Because of how finite my funds are, because of how my meals must be extremely
1 day ago - Forward Scattering - The Weblog of Nicholas Chapman
To prove this, we will first show that there is a finite number of effectively-different Turing machines that need to be considered.
using the \(M\) states. The number of such Turing machines is finite, and bounded by a exponential function of \(M\) and \(|\Gamma|\). For
of functions we deal with in computer programs are defined on finite domains, especially functions that take as input finite precision integers or
finding the fastest Turing machine to compute a function with a finite domain Posted 8 Feb 2014 Let's say we have some (total)
Let's say we have some (total) function \(f\), defined on some finite domain \(A\): $$ f : A \mapsto B $$ For example, f might be
finding the fastest Turing machine that computes a function f with finite domain. The fastest Turing machine takes just 1 step. Proof: To
machine that computes the given function \(f\), where \(f\) has a finite domain. Let's also say that we have some 'reference' Turing machine \(
1 day ago - Lagomorph | Home
a destabilizing era of remakes and reboots. Crucially, nostalgia is a finite resource, and its exhaustion bears unknown consequences. Jean Baudrillard’s notions
1 day ago - Algorithms Weekly by Petr Mitrichev
a ( u )+ h ( u )* b ( u ). The right side involves a finite number of different integers in denominators, so this equality will also
1 day ago
arXiv:2302.07400. tldr: Most generative models are defined on a finite number of dimensions, and this is also true for diffusion models.
1 day ago - jsloop | {musings}
musings} jsloop {musings} Home Categories Tags API Tester Pro Code About Finite State Machine for UI State Transitions using GameplayKit 2024-06-30
1 day ago - Thoughts from Inside the Box
Time. We inhabit our respective mortal coils for a short and finite amount of it. It flies by. We never have enough of
2 days ago - Clojurian Thought: A Clojure programming language blog
explanatory here, and these states imply each job function is a Finite-State-Machine (FSM). All work, no play So, I need to
FSM). All work, no play So, I need to implement a Finite-State-Machine in Clojure. If you've read any of my previous
coming next: Functions returning functions. In short, we can implement a finite state machine by having a function represent each state. When a
1 month ago - Clojurian Thought: A Clojure programming language blog
explanatory here, and these states imply each job function is a Finite-State-Machine (FSM). All work, no play So, I need to
FSM). All work, no play So, I need to implement a Finite-State-Machine in Clojure. If you've read any of my previous
coming next: Functions returning functions. In short, we can implement a finite state machine by having a function represent each state. When a