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1 day ago - Jay Fields' Thoughts
when the good people leave and the remaining don't understand the foundations of the process, you end up with not enough talent and
1 day ago - Open Indie
lies in the open-social web protocols which make up the foundations of a comms & coordination ecosystem owned and operated by the general
cohesive product such as Weird and others, could truly rock the foundations of the identity oligopolies. I desperately want to be set free
1 day ago - Devin Prater's blog
to show off a new feature than to build up the foundations just a tad bit more. Context matters. Yes, an advanced user
1 day ago - Junk Heap Homotopy
knowledge . We might not know everything that is common to agent foundations research and mechanistic interpretability, but we do know some things! The
1 day ago - Bootstrap Blog · Official blog for the Bootstrap framework.
to just add a dark mode. We wanted to build the foundations for a color mode system that could be used to create
1 day ago - Code & Visuals
s production pipeline and tools that wound up laying the technical foundations for Disney Animation’s modern era. While every film we’ve
built for Tangled, and just like how Tangled laid the technical foundations for the subsequent ten films that followed, Encanto lays the technical
for the subsequent ten films that followed, Encanto lays the technical foundations for many more future films to come! As presented in the
1 day ago - Thoughts from Inside the Box
you. There are, of course, exceptions to this. Governments and private foundations will sometimes foot the bill for things that benefit the poor,
1 day ago
cannot be also well considered art. Theology and Geometry are good foundations for one's leap. But even papa H can't promise a safe
1 day ago - Maths, Stats & Functional Programming | Formerly known as Idontgetoutmuch's Weblog
be validated, possibly retired and maybe replaced by something with firmer foundations? Nix I use nix on MACos for package management both for
1 month ago - Meta Posts - Speculative Branches
we will be talking about software engineering, performance, computer systems and foundations, interesting math concepts, electrical engineering, hardware acceleration, FPGAs, and more. We