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1 day ago - Extreme Learning - Always curious. Always learning.
Triangle.” Posted on May 13, 2020October 5, 2020 An alternate canonical grid layout with uniform projections When points are placed in a canonical
layout with uniform projections When points are placed in a canonical grid layout, they are well-separated and their projections are uniform. I
separated and their projections are uniform. I present a simple canonical grid layout which offers better closest-neighbor characterisics than the two most
the two most common contemporary canonical layouts. Figure 1. A canonical grid layout whose projections are uniform and its closest neighbor distance characteristics
closest neighbor distance characteristics are optimal. Continue reading “An alternate canonical grid layout with uniform projections” Posted on February 8, 2019December 3, 2020
whilst maintaining its uniform projections. This is an exact and direct grid-based construction method that guarantees a minimum neighbor point separation of
1 day ago - Keita's Blog
clusters when zoomed out. (map data is © OpenStreetMap contributors , the hexagon grid viewer is clupasq/h3-viewer ) This event is passed off to
The reasoning behind this is because geohash is a Z-order grid, we can use this property to optimize DynamoDB queries spanning multiple
1 day ago - kleemans.ch
from now on), we can start solving those pieces of the grid, and then combine the parts together. A possible division of a
puzzle game where the goal is to fill it up a grid completely by moving on it, but without knowing start or end
one of the first levels: As the levels get higher, the grid size increases and soon it becomes to difficult to solve by
1 day ago - Vimist - Home
a crossword . The aim is to find the words in the grid using a given set of letters; each letter can only be
1 day ago - Evan Fields – Personal website
than we’d like to think. Read More The perfect global grid system is impossible; HexGeoGrids.jl February 10, 2021 An exploration of
system is impossible; HexGeoGrids.jl February 10, 2021 An exploration of grid system design space, and an alternative to the typical options like
1 day ago - Ayende @ Rahien
2004 — 2024 Privacy Policy · Terms filter by tags archive stack view grid view architecture (591) rss bugs (441) rss challanges (123) rss community (
1 day ago - breadchris
sit before the computer. The screen springs to life, revealing a grid of familiar faces. Standup meeting — the daily ritual. Each square held
1 day ago - Home
of how to make cursor-facing, tilted tiles in a bento grid. The Resend Cube Lookalike Part 3 - Lights, God Rays, Final Touches (
1 day ago - winrickLabs Blog
that. Interesting Update As of 2022, we now use a custom grid-based geospacial index, instead of R-trees which proved to be
1 day ago - Linux Engineer's random thoughts
another grid. Then you can transpose again to get the original grid back. This can be combined with horizontal or vertical flipping in
y); but (row, column) makes a lot of sense, especially for grid indexing. I have become quite proficient at grid iteration now. The
make you apply it to a different direction. To transpose a grid, iterate over columns first instead of rows to generate another grid.
debug statement during parsing is very useful. Algorithms and general tricks Grid iteration When working with grids, one should pick a coordinate system,
showed in the above example. This modeling greatly simplifies code for grid problems. Tortoise and Hare: not this year A few times this
used .collect() to put it in a collection data structure. For grid problems, I initially did the same: iterator, then collect (10, 11,