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1 day ago - Stevey's Blog Rants
a database. That's what we want, really. You make 87 bazillion guns, and let us collect them? Well then we're going to want
there was a chance that if I pulled out the big guns and killed it myself, for instance by invoking its kill() method
they arrive at the conclusion that "We should have 87 bazillion guns, and you personally should be able to keep, like, twelve of
the Blair Witch. I don't mind. And the guns, oh the guns, they are beautiful and fascinating and a joy to behold. The
but I'm going to go ahead and show off my modded guns as if I'm some sort of super -gorilla." Yeah, that mindset.)
collector's game, but they haven't given us a way to collect guns. How messed up is that? I think it's pretty messed up.
then we're going to want hundreds and hundreds, maybe thousands of guns in our collections. Not twenty, or whatever stupidly low number you've
1 day ago - /pol/ - Politically Incorrect - Archive - 4chan
She prosecuted sex predators[ View ]475516030There are hundreds of millions of guns in the US: And this scumbag's name and face are known.
Formation of The Organiza…[ View ]475508986There are hundreds of millions of guns in the US: And this scumbag's name and face are known.
of what…[ View ]475575138word is Don is going to take a guns away after what happened to his ear lobe so we've all
MR BEAST WILL SUE TRA…[ View ]475573828MADAM PRESIDENT[ View ]475581548LEFT FOR GUNS: Libsistas, we need to reevaluate our strategies. Being anti-gun is
myself: im a man of wealth and taste[ View ]475485361He sold guns to Afghanistan in the 80s through Saudi Arabia's king. That's how
1 day ago - The Language Of My Soul Blog
history, where bright colour uniforms and cavalry were shredded by machine guns and artillery fire. The army themselves no clue how to fight
1 day ago - Diary of a Fat Slob
The new library More mumbles and less Maggie Guns Akimbo, The Guns of Navarone , and a few more movies Sunday in Palo Alto
1 day ago - Mary Rose Cook
on the innards of Git. Pistol Slut A 2D platform shooter . Guns, grenades, parallax scrolling, particle effects. The enemies work in teams. The
1 day ago - Dhole Moments - Software, Security, Cryptography, and Furries
about extending the nonce used by AES-GCM without introducing foot-guns. This was very recently referenced in one of Filippo Valsorda’s
1 day ago - Leftypol
Incorrect Off-topic Education Hobby Technology Games Anime Music Original Art Guns, weapons and the art of war. Board of the Month Meta
Music 0 0 10 35 Original Art 0 0 1 11 Guns, weapons and the art of war. 0 0 1 8 Ruthless
1 day ago - Rohit Jha
Sphere, The Andromeda Strain Alistar Maclean - Circus, Where Eagles Dare, The Guns of Navarone, Athabasca, Santorini, Night without End Andre Alice Norton - The
1 day ago - Werd I/O
still very much here. It’s the America where people love guns and the right own semi-automatic weapons is more important than
1 month ago - Armand Halbert
year… sometimes it’s embarrassing to have his fingerprints on the guns. Sometimes he needs a freelancer like me to supply forces he