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1 day ago - Radek Pazdera — Full-stack Product Engineer
2024-04-24 Will AI Make Us Prisoners of Our Bad Habits? 2024-04-23 The Humane AI Pin and the Future of
1 day ago - Nate Berkopec
doubled, made new friends, stretched myself and picked up some new habits. Read more On the packaging of ideas The meta-content of
1 month ago - Code Yarns – Ashwin Nanjappa’s Personal Blog
2009) Advice To A Young Scientist (27 Jan 2009) The Seven Habits Of Highly Effective People (23 Jan 2009) Cryptonomicon (01 Jan 2009)
2008) Watchmen (20 Oct 2008) Cryptonomicon (01 Jan 2009) The Seven Habits Of Highly Effective People (23 Jan 2009) Advice To A Young
1 month ago - Code Yarns – Ashwin Nanjappa’s Personal Blog
2009) Advice To A Young Scientist (27 Jan 2009) The Seven Habits Of Highly Effective People (23 Jan 2009) Cryptonomicon (01 Jan 2009)
2008) Watchmen (20 Oct 2008) Cryptonomicon (01 Jan 2009) The Seven Habits Of Highly Effective People (23 Jan 2009) Advice To A Young
1 day ago - Lou Franco: code, apps, and writings
True Podcast App-o-Mat Hello! iOS Apps 3D-o-Mat Habits GitHub Humans Have Been Upgraded by LLMs If, twenty years ago,
Older posts Categories AI AR/VR Articles Books Clojure Diagramming Entrepreneurship Habits iPad iPhone JTBD Note Taking Personal Personal Finance Podcast Presentations Productivity
1 day ago - Pony Foo — Web platform, JavaScript, modularity, front-end architecture, performance, and more!
Written by Perfectly Sane People Help your team avoid some bad habits that can drive good teams to write terrible code. clean-code
1 day ago - Tom Hummel
Los Angeles, CA Posts: 47 , Words: 29,969 1password 1 / 7-habits 1 / ansible 4 / atlantis 3 / aws 3 / baseball 1 / battlesnake 1 /
1 day ago - N=1 (marcua’s blog) | I’m the Co-Founder and CTO of B12, where we’re building a better future of creative and analytical work. Before that, I was Director of Data at Locu, a startup that was acquired by GoDaddy. I went to grad school at MIT’s CSAIL. One time in Jerusalem I ate a whole tub of hummus on my own. I don’t regret that day.
Social Data Commons Oct 13, 2009 FeedMe Data on People's Sharing Habits! Oct 12, 2009 Startup Bootcamp at MIT Oct 5, 2009 Avoid
1 month ago - Code Yarns – Ashwin Nanjappa’s Tech Blog
h5py How to create NULL dataspace using H5Py (01 Feb 2017) habits Pre-Commit Checklist (02 Sep 2010) handout How to create a
1 day ago - RobKohr's Blog
match it. Burning the midnight oil @date=2019-11-20 @tags= habits 3am is often the time I wake up, eat some cereal
09-18 @tags= links , self https://sambleckley.com/writing/alzhiemers-and-habits.html Done manifesto @date=2023-09-22 @tags= inspiration , motivation There