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1 month ago - The Universe of Discourse
novel Dune . Conversely none of this will make sense if you haven't read it. ] Summary : Thufir Hawat is the real traitor. He set
but it is probably in there under a different name, I haven't read the book in a long time. To this important principle
a message that space aliens can figure out even though they haven't met us.) I said “I bet you could figure it out
1 day ago - /g/ - Technology - Archive - 4chan
do you need in a gaming pc?[ View ]101539193 trackball: why haven't you taken the trackball pill yet anon?[ View ]101550442 WhatsApp integrates
home >linux at home…[ View ]101507847ffmpeg mpv yt-dlp[ View ]101536953why haven't you got a VPN yet /g/[ View ]101535648What happened to Laptop
difficulty in software usage?[ View ]101511881>Fixes your distro hopping Why haven't you tried it already, anon?…[ View ]101521756Just discovered an exploit for
and wine?[ View ]101552479Any good marketplace for stolen netflix accounts? I haven't been a forumite for long ass time s…[ View ]101554905 ITT:
planning on using it? Are you already using it?…[ View ]101548799>Haven't heard back? You are more likely to hear back on your
I run into is riddled with obnoxious and ret…[ View ]101509630Why haven't personal flying vehicles been invented yet?: Cars have been around for
1 day ago - Graham Marlow
Flymake backend for Clippy (the Rust linter): flymake-clippy. If you haven't heard of Flymake, it's old-school Emacs tech for showing squiggly-
1 day ago - Forward Scattering - The Weblog of Nicholas Chapman
to be possible with mmap (and the Windows equivalent) although I haven't tried it. Edit, 7th May 2014 : On Windows, VirtualAlloc takes as
65536 The results for this Clang are much more reasonable. I haven't tried GCC yet. If you want to try yourself, source code
2016 I sent this email to the Putty guys, but I haven't heard back from them. So I'll post it here. --------------------------- First of
takes approximately twice as long (at least for std::map). I haven't looked into why std::unordered_map::count is slow but I assume
1 day ago - Programming in the 21st Century
a Programmer You Don't Read Code, You Explore It If You Haven't Done It Before, All Bets Are Off What Can You Put
1 day ago - Jerry Ng's blog
28 November 2022 was a sad day for developers. If you haven't heard, Salesforce (Heroku’s parent organization) has phased out its free
1 day ago - Home | Zef Houssney
I think time has been my largest constraint lately. Why I Haven't Been Sharing Things on the Internet March 9, 2022 Controlling a
1 day ago - datalars
an audible sound when it's been quiet for a while? I haven't done anything like that in the past, but after a ton
The script works great for me and my situation, and I haven't had a single incident of speaker snooze since implementation. I've set
1 day ago - Bram Adams
place ive been so hard at work on commonbase that i havent made any feature announcements on twitter! below is a thread of
1 day ago - PREPEND
to have developers taken off new development to do maintenance. I haven't figured this out yet, but please feel free to conject. I
and it shows up properly. Of course this sucks because I haven't figured out how to tail a file live, but it's better
email them right over. It's now two years later and I haven't seen any reports. Thankfully, we didn't buy the app. Note - It
that my sub-contracting client employs. So I noticed that I haven't updated my blog in quite a while. The real reason behind
actually looks pretty decent. Good, OS UML tools, BPEL tools. I haven't tried it in years, but if it keeps me from having
URL. You can also use it in security constraints, but I haven't used web.xml for security in many years. The javax.servlet.