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1 day ago - RobKohr's Blog
as well as her stand in (Paula). In it Candy hates her career as a character that basically is a mix of Johnny
This is a story of a girl who lost the love her life in a tragic accident, and getting a chance to go
1 day ago - The Language Of My Soul Blog
personal space or common decently. The lady I was behind reclined her chair all the way back, leaving me barely any room to
to the SELECTION PROJECT to become an idol. She fucked up. Her dreams were crushed. But, would she really let things end like
her performance, stage fright. She lost the popular vote and failed her dream of being an idol. Putting on a strong front to
of China’s treatment of them and the Chinese lady covered her ears, stomped forward and sang loudly to avoid the truth. I
her to strive and struggle on to become an idol, despite her failure on the grand stage. I wanted her to try alternate
being an idol. Putting on a strong front to her friends, her family, but alone, she cries. A dream she made over 10
daughter visited occasionally. Except, this time, when she visited, she found her father dead. He died of old age. But, not a single
1 day ago - High Scalability
post was written by Dedeepya Bonthu. This is a repost from her Medium article, approved by the author. In stadiums, sports fans love
1 day ago - Sunil Shenoy - Sunil Shenoy
I could not think of why I was moving away from her. I remember Archeet messaging me then and telling me that I
1 day ago - Honeypot.net
sent me an example of a new phishing campaign going around. Her instinct to let us know about it was exactly right. Thanks,
1 day ago - /scv/ - scv - Page 1
234135 HideFilter NameModerate nah i saw an old white woman with her dog Anon 19/07/2024, 05:42:38 No. 234137 HideFilter
1 day ago - Gus Van Horn
told me. People who know her best also seem to consider her a terrible boss . In June 2021, White House staffers told Politico
of Congress. She also suffers from an unpopularity problem, known for her bad habit of laughing at inappropriate times in a cringe-inducing
the following paragraphs from the Free Press piece indicate: ... One of her biggest weaknesses is that she doesn't seem to have any principles .
her own colleagues, has not only corralled Venezuela's fractious opposition behind her, but has also captivated a broad swath of the electorate with
rock-throwing Maduro supporters. By late afternoon, she had climbed onto her car's roof in Guanare, wearing pearl earrings and a ponytail. The
evade authorities, the opposition leader sped out of Caracas before dawn, her car windows still bearing the cracks from rock-throwing Maduro supporters.
1 day ago - hypergeometric -
I was exchanging places with another runner, who left me in her dust at the flat section of road up top. I think
1 day ago - Senko Rašić
1-1 calls throughout the week, slowing her down and frustrating her. Bob is happier, since he now gets large uninterrupted blocks of
to get paid more, or have a separate office, or for her calendar to get whacked, just because Bob has different preferences. And
is important, is energized by teamwork and enjoys the company of her colleagues. She lives in a tiny apartment with no room for
and Alice is miserable. Michael could pay Alice more to improve her home-office setup or get a bigger apartment, but that might
2 days ago - Letters To A New Developer – What I wish I had known when starting my development career
senior engineer who knows the code base like the back of her hand maneuver around it at the speed of thought, it sure