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1 day ago - SitePoint – Learn HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Ruby & Responsive Design
Management System 29 minutes ago 2 replies luxareax Indexing issues an hour ago 10 replies hositoma2 I accidentally overwrote the software in the
overwrote the software in the USB onto my computer's HDD an hour ago 9 replies jeremy58 How to avoid having javascript in PHP
replies jeremy58 How to avoid having javascript in PHP file? an hour ago 3 replies richarddunnebsc Select with checkboxes and number input 3
1 day ago - Evan Todd
of work right now, and to me it feels like every hour I spend on the house is an hour I could have
1 day ago - Annoying Technology
images yet. It really just yeets the feature away within an hour or so of crossing the border. I wonder what part of
1 day ago - Simon Lyall's Blog – New Zealand, Sysadmin, Linux, Curry, Transport
00018,00090 sec / 40 tph8,00012,00016,00024,000Max Passengers per hour per direction If the system is run with 4-car trains
00018,00090 sec / 40 tph8,00012,00016,00024,000Max Passengers per hour per direction I would suggest the system be designed for 4
as possible before longer trains should be used. Headway / Trains per Hour 2 Cars 3 Cars 4 Cars 6 Cars 5 min / 12
in 2,3,4 or 6 car trains. Headway / Trains per Hour 2 Cars 3 Cars 4 Cars 6 Cars 5 min / 12
Dominion Road would be able to do around 8400 passengers per hour at a 3 minute headway. This would probably be the maximum
90 seconds is available off-the-shelf which allows 40 trains/hour in each direction. This means that passengers are not sitting around
capacity of 400 people per train and 16,000 people per hour in each direction. That capacity would probably not be needed initially.
1 day ago - kyrofa's blog
time to build the snap in question (mine takes over an hour). Most CI engines use Docker. You can build snaps in docker
1 day ago - All Posts - Charles Harries
forebode. I started near the back so for the first half hour or so I focused on trying to squeeze past folks and
the awful overgrown climbs I've been navigating for the last half hour. A little while later, I'm overtaken by a European guy—Italian,
and even finished alongside another Strider, 10 seconds under the 1-hour mark. Saltwell Harriers Fell Race on Strava Running Outdoors Tuesday, 25
1 day ago - Lou Franco: code, apps, and writings
be achieved. My weekly goal is to spend at least one hour a day on five different days working on the book. It’
1 day ago - Forward Scattering - The Weblog of Nicholas Chapman
and is not a bug you just added in the last hour or so. This implies that your unit tests did not catch
1 day ago - Ayende @ Rahien
Destination ] = list = new ( ) ; } list . Add ( [ trip . Lat , trip . Lng , trip . Time . Hour * 100 + trip . Time . Minute , // minutes after midnight trip . Time . DayOfYear , ( int )
we get, like so: double [ ] compare = [ location . Lat , location . Lng , now . Hour * 100 + now . Minute , now . DayOfYear , ( int ) now . DayOfWeek ] ; Now we basically
1 day ago - IMVU Engineering Blog – Software engineering best practices at IMVU
say that our service marks the data as cacheable for one hour. At 10:04 am, Alice updates her Motto to say “there’
project” or “story” or “module” or whatever, sit down for an hour with the code’s authors and appropriate tech leads and review
could be running in the midst of the “extra” daylight-savings hour or a leap day (or a leap second!). The database could
review the code. If the code review takes longer than an hour, people become too fatigued to add value. Handling Code Review Follow-
want about as much code as you can review in an hour: perhaps more than a user story, but less than an entire