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1 day ago - A Few Thoughts on Cryptographic Engineering – Some random thoughts about crypto. Notes from a course I teach. Pictures of my dachshunds.
true after you’ve registered and used the system: Tools for Humanity will have a copy of your iris code stored in its
data will be encrypted under a key TfH knows.) Tools for Humanity will store the mapping between each iris code and the corresponding “
visit a Worldcoin orb scanning location , where they must verify their humanity to a real-life human operator. The orb purports to contain
it relatively more difficult for any outside party (including Tools for Humanity) to link this transaction back to a user’s identity and
real concern with these assertions is that Worldcoin (aka Tools for Humanity) could monitor these on-chain transactions, and thus link the user’
privacy concerns are there? Another obvious concern is that Tools for Humanity could use its biometric database as a kind of “stone soup”
copy of your iris code stored in its database. Tools for Humanity may also have stored a copy of your raw iris scans,
1 day ago - Greg's Half Ideas
intelligence. The new advances opens up questions on ethics, technology and humanity. At a rece... Apr 17, 2023 ideas, development Farewell Wordpress Migrating
1 day ago - Devin Prater's blog
between the sides, one saying that AI is a threat to humanity and the other side saying that AI can do lots of
1 month ago - Andreas Klinger
exciting - again! 1,570 views Every epoch in the history of humanity had a raw resource that became the key to commercial success
1 day ago - Rondam Ramblings
some of these intuitions are common across a wide swath of humanity, to the point where someone who does not share these intuitions
1 day ago - Welcome to Brent Cetinich’s Blog! — Brent's Blog
Read more... 02 January - Comso Synaptic Theory I sometimes think of humanity and myself as creatures floating in space, trying to understand our
1 day ago - Tim's Blog
of their lives in the belief that their work will push humanity forward. I wonder how much sympathy they have for the working
1 day ago - Junk Heap Homotopy
just yet tail-swallowing solutions like creating increasingly elaborate tests-of-humanity then making them prerequisites of important skills! Q: Won’t this
1 day ago - Maciej Kaszkowiak - full-stack developer
do wypełniania protokołów dla KK Dziewiątka Amica-Wronki. Klon Cards Against Humanity w node.js do gry ze znajomymi. Projekt sieci dla dwóch
1 month ago - Armand Halbert
is a science fiction classic speculating about the evolutionary future of humanity. It is not the first novel of time travel - A Connecticut
The Camarilla’s traditions that demand Kindred hold on to their humanity prevents the killing of innocent mortals, and the local blood banks