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1 month ago - The Universe of Discourse
considered separately, is true. However, I also believe that I'm not infallible, and that at least one of !!B_1, B_2, \ldots!! is false,
1 day ago - Kai Kaufman's tech blog
to try to convert this &[i32] into a &[i32; 2]. For infallible conversions, we can use the into method of the Into trait -
this makes sense - although we know that the conversion would be infallible in this case , we can’t say the same for the
directly - you can only work with references to them. Something being infallible means that it cannot fail. If it does, that’s a
1 day ago - Open Indie
between mortal knowledge seekers and the god-like but far from infallible super librarian. Such an interaction would likely feel much less like