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1 day ago - Rondam Ramblings
out not to be true according to the definition of truth I've advanced here. If you think you know the answer, put it
1 day ago - Stephen Colebourne's blog
that data in a database. To mitigate this to some degree, I've added a test case and released a version that has such
1 day ago - PREPEND
are probably content to use Eclipse/IntelliJ plugins. One more item I've added to my handy dandy google spreadsheet of software projects to
list making that I started out using MS Works/Excel with. I've added some lists to my site template: magazines subscribed to, future
1 day ago - Swiftjective-C | iOS. Indies. Apple. Plus Things.
Certainly! Here's a simplified and refactored version of your Swift function. I've added comments for clarity and improved the readability of the code
1 day ago - Subclassed
minimize "wandering" of hands from home-row as much as possible I've also added a numpad on CapsLock+Shift, which is useful on
1 day ago - Tero Parviainen
also find me on Twitter , GitHub , CodePen , LinkedIn , and Goodreads . Things I've Done All of my recent work is through Counterpoint . But here
my recent work is through Counterpoint . But here are some things I've done prior to that. I've written longform articles on Terry Riley's
on Terry Riley's In C , JavaScript Systems Music , and React+Redux . I've also written about queueing theory , learning strategies , change detection in JS
called "Build Your Own AngularJS". It is now free to download . I've made a number of web-based sketches, exploring various aspects of
1 day ago - Brightball
going for them. And I hate that. I REALLY hate that. I've worked for companies where we had to invest a lot of
Barry Not a lot of people know this about me, but I've almost exited programming at three different times in my career...because
on Rails: Why? How? Pitfalls? Ruby | Rails | - May 9, 2013 // Barry I've always been a proponent of the "right tool for the job"
I'm at the borderline of obsessed with Elixir and Phoenix lately. I've avoided writing about it so far because it feels a bit
up. Since writing about how to reverse account takeovers last week I've decided to write a security series covering all the weird things
to put it mildly. After spending more time working with it, I've found that it does still have some additional drawbacks in certain
are well suited for different situations. Over the past 2 years I've spent a great deal of time with Ruby on Rails after
1 day ago - xorvoid
you'll find some xors staring back My name is Anthony Bonkoski I've been obsessed with computers since first discovering them as an 8
computers since first discovering them as an 8 year-old. And I've been programming them now for >25 years with great thanks to
1 day ago - Coding Horror
to muster up the initiative to get my system fully upgraded! 🥱 I've been slogging away at this for quite some time now. My
horror as your favorite bar... slowly transforms into a nazi bar. I've been saying for a long time that decentralization is the way
2020 Building a PC, Part IX: Downsizing Hard to believe that I've had the same PC case since 2011, and my last serious
cancel the old auctions because I forgot to allow international shipping – I've also made shipping free, worldwide.) https://www.ebay.com/itm/225903779136
to 40 MPH. And I don't blame him! But now that I've shown you the undisputed Honda Civic everyman budget model of electric
1 month ago - atomic14 | atomic14
even better results. However, it's still slower than I'd like, so I've got a crazy new plan: using a cheap IC (GL823) for
untapped human potential. 07 November 2023 I Need More USB Power! I've been accumulating more and more USB powered devices for my workbench
up the streaming server with audio data, video frames, and metadata. I've can also explored the picture quality challenges of uncompressed image data
avoid. Inspired by the Random Nerds page for the classic ESP32, I've created a comprehensive pinout for the ESP32-S3 available on GitHub.
single 65W USB-C supply just isn't cutting it anymore. So, I've decided to source a new solution. After some digging, I stumbled
for Fun and... After some quality time with my ESP32 microcontroller, I've developed a version of the TinyTV and learned a lot about
I managed to wrap this up without any clumsy bodge wiring. I've even introduced a new feature: a microphone is now on board,