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1 day ago - RobKohr's Blog
image of a bitcoin mining rig. It is so industrial, it looks almost like e... @date=2011-12-04 @tags= google-plus-post
image of a bitcoin mining rig. It is so industrial, it looks almost like equipment to do real physical mining. Pictures like this
youtube.com/watch?v ... READ MORE (34 words, 0 minutes) This looks very cool. Interesting concept. I wonder how well it plays out. @
plays out. @date=2011-09-18 @tags= google-plus-post This looks very cool. Interesting concept. I wonder how well it plays out.
when so many non-internet freedoms have been taken away. It looks as though without yest... READ MORE (307 words, 2 minutes) Cueflash
about using subdomains vs subfolders for seo: subdomains vs subfolders I looks pretty clear that subfolders are the way to go. With a
1 day ago - Senko Rašić
to come to office for meetings bug him a bit. It looks like his coworkers are unable to properly convey their thoughts in
Is software development a proper engineering discipline? On one hand, it looks like it should be – computer science is a rigorous, hard, math-
each team agree on the days is nigh impossible. The office looks half-empty all of the time, every day they come to
1 day ago - Swiftjective-C | iOS. Indies. Apple. Plus Things.
and I can’t seem to track them down. Regardless, it looks like this: tv . textFormattingConfiguration = . init ( groups : [ . group ([ . component ( . textColor , . mini ) ]), . group ([ .
changes, and run layoutSubviews() when it does. In iOS 18, it looks like this: class CustomBackgroundView : UIView { override func layoutSubviews () { super . layoutSubviews () if
use .repeat(.continuous) to keep the party going. “Magic replace”, which looks so good, smoothly changes badges during replace animations. As far as
1 day ago - My Own Fortune – All that's left is to make it
show a great practical example. I needed to create something that looks like this: geekar Business Model Canvas (click for webpage) This is
would result in a lot of copy-pasting of stuff that looks like this: This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be
js is short and has a call to jQuery ajaxSend that looks very suspect, a quick google explains that it sets a hook
stopped in bootstrap.min.js, in a piece of code that looks very unashamed: }).on("click.dropdown-menu", function(e) { e.stopPropagation() }).[...] view
1 day ago - Life plus Linux
it has already seen similar type of waldo image. Also, it looks like it works much better when the image quality is good
higher level functions that has made using tensorflow so easy. It looks like they will be added to Graphlayers in future but their
1 day ago - Stevey's Blog Rants
Cosmopolitan: Any three colors go together, and any more than that looks like a peacock shitting rainbows. I'm pretty sure it was Cosmopolitan
as strangely familiar , though, and eventually I realized it's because it looks like Swift -- which I was slow to notice because my iOS
is awesome, with one noteworthy exception: Axton was mis-cast. He looks like Captain America (or Thor, or whoever, take your pick), and
get your job done. So Obj-C isn't bad, and Swift looks really good. The APIs are good, the documentation is solid, and
management has taken a turn for the worse overall. Yeah, it looks slick, but when has Gearbox ever been about "looks slick" over
1 day ago - Jezen Thomas | Haskell, Unix, Minimalism, and Entrepreneurship.
generated number is even or odd. We might write code which looks like this. {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} module
1 day ago - Chester Grant
necessarily want to give negative feedback at that point because it looks like, “This company has spent a lot of money already getting
helps to define the vision, what successful completion of the project looks like, and why it is so important. He calls this tool
reciting your performance statement, spend about three minutes visualizing what it looks like to be successful. Step 4: Identity Statement Upon completing your
That’s chess, but life doesn’t look like that. It looks more like poker, where all that uncertainty gives us the room
1 day ago - Andrew Ferguson dot NET – I am an enginerd: I excel at awkward.
grep -e DMAR -e IOMMU There should be a line that looks like DMAR: IOMMU enabled. If there is no output, something is
the Prius requires 5V for it’s built in amp, which looks like is always powered when the car is on. DC/DC
did premptively blow out the hole and sand it so it looks nice-ish — otherwise don’t drill it.If you’re building
filled in as part of the ground plane. The final design looks something like this: Front Back One of the nice things about
1 day ago - Subclassed
have to list the available ports and find the one that looks like our guy. # badgerutils.py import serial.tools.list_ports as list_ports
list_ports_common import ListPortInfo def is_badger(port: ListPortInfo): """ decide if the port looks like a Badger2040 """ # mac, but other systems will probably be similar, #