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1 day ago - PREPEND
ends up asking the original developer anyway. This seems favored by lots of project managers. Not sure why, I guess it's the idea
however, is sort of a big, bulky app server. It has lots of features and it much more complicated than just simple OC4J.
a behavior to stop ladder climbers. I feel like there’s lots of these but, for now, it’s just these two and
that good stuff that j2ee makes you know. My company has lots of developers who grew up writing c and cobol and all
writing c and cobol and all those things where you spent lots of time on the program, not the architecture. So, naturally this
down, but I hope the audience isn't expecting cool graphics and lots of clip art. But this leads me to some really terrible
developers who know about continuous integration using Ant, extreme programming and lots of other good stuff. While I'm in Bangalore the idea is
1 day ago - Simon Lyall's Blog – New Zealand, Sysadmin, Linux, Curry, Transport
than the cost of the governments light-rail proposals and leave lots of room to be extended Much as motorway project are planned
be scheduled close together and also makes it cheap to run lots of trains even off-peak. A train every 10 minutes at
to detect material Complex pattern of reflection and absorption that returns lots of information Trained on 661 feature and 512 bins Radar signal
everything Try log everything. Audit events, Performance metrics, Billing But obvious lots of logs cost logs of money Make it actionable – Discoverability and
s experiences and thoughts on screenwriting and the Hollywood movies business. Lots of interesting stories. 4/5 My Scoring System 5/5 = Brilliant,
detective series One giant book of Chess puzzles Two books about lots of things. 500 Villages and 100 Museum Objects Two biographic books
original text in the centre with notes on the outside and lots of illustrations 9th – 60mm – Villages of Britain by Clive Aslet. 658
1 day ago - Devin Prater's blog
want something more cheerful and full of Christmas bullshit, there are lots of Amazon sales going on I’m sure. So, I’ve
is a good summary of the interface . Also yeah, looks like lots of geometry. Okay, this part is rather interesting: /** /** /** /** Reads saved points
professional-sounding tone. Yes, the voices could be sluggish if fed lots of text at once, but I rarely ran into that. I
just a “what’s new in TalkBack” style article. TalkBack 14, Lots of Braille TalkBack 14 is a good iteration of where TalkBack
the person trust that you actually give even a single damn. Lots of companies, organizations, and nonprofits are great at listening. They have
to humanity and the other side saying that AI can do lots of amazing stuff, and definitely couldn’t take our jobs, becomes
for this as a part of DEI even though they have lots of other stuff and none of these people are blind so
1 day ago - 0xFE - 11111110b - 0376
on frequency domain representations of signals. Your inner ear consists of lots of tiny hairs that vary in thickness and resonate at different
science. What your brain perceives as pitch is a function of lots of different variables, from the physical materials that generate the sounds
Getting Training Data To do this well, we need data. Labeled. Lots of it! There are a few paths we can take: Option
12, 2016 New in VexFlow: ES6, Visual Regression Tests, and more! Lots of developments since the last time I posted about VexFlow. VexFlow
predictable variable scoping with const and let. Classes, lambda functions, and lots of other structural enhancements that vastly improve the clarity and conciseness
this is a noteworthy step forward in the space. Other Stuff Lots of other stuff worth mentioning: Support for user interactivity in SVG
of clef, timesignature, and other stave modifiers during mid-measure changes. Lots of improvements to the build system and Travis CI integration. Lots
1 day ago - Stephen Colebourne's blog
addressOpt.isPresent()) { // early return if address found return addressOpt.get().format(); } // lots of other code to handle case when address not found One
inOptional(findAddress(personId))) { // early return if address found return address.format(); } // lots of other code to handle case when address not found This
Address address) { // early return if address found return address.format(); } else { // lots of other code to handle case when address not found } This
But the reality is that it is complex, and there are lots of rules hidden in plain sight. Yes, it is orthogonal. But
public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Hello World"); } } Lots of stuff going on - public, class, a class name, void, arrays,
1 day ago - My Own Fortune – All that's left is to make it
t want to improve your debugging skills or don’t have lots of free time, don’t read this. I decided to do
and error prone copy-pasting. And I’ll need to create lots of these in the coming months. OK, so I need to
found Steve’s descriptions good but not always sufficient. I found lots of assistance from the grey text on the “Business Model Generation”
that are answered in there. As you can see, I have lots of different entities gaining value, and needed a way to encode
1 day ago - andrestc.com · André Carvalho
following posts on the series will be more dense and with lots of code samples extracted from the runtime. Each of the future
waiting for I/O to finish? Or if it is spending lots of time while waiting for a turn to run on one
keeping a linked list sorted by address, as I did) and lots of other details. I learned a lot reading it. Adding a
1 day ago - Jon Skeet's coding blog
with plenty of other ways of getting coverage. I’ve learned lots of “small” things about Razor pages, HTML, CSS and JavaScript, as
can be fixed by changing the process. If I move from “lots of code in the site to load from Sheets” to “lots
in terms of software, as far as I can tell) have lots of active projects to access them via OSC, and the most
1 day ago - Robin's Blog
a ‘recipe’ or pipeline. envreport – a simple Python script to report lots of information about the Python environment in a diffable form – I
data visualisations. geospatial-cli – a list of geospatial command-line tools. Lots of them I knew, but there were some gems I hadn’
next step we take is to split the aerial image into lots of little chunks – we call them ‘image chips’ – and calculate the
1 day ago - Tim's Blog
Road for example, the road that (ironically) Town Hall resides on, lots of litter can be found beyond the flyover halfway alongs its
my own sense of “good” writing is probably made up of lots of conscious and unconscious thoughts and biases, the following are some
litter already around, I wonder? Why do I pick up litter? Lots of rubbish in public places generally leads a person to believe
Is someone more likely to drop litter if there’s already lots or less litter already around, I wonder? Why do I pick