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1 day ago - The Qiqitori Blogs
put in the other RAM chip and bam ! I see a lovely 15.something KHz signal on the through hole that would normally
1 day ago - RobKohr's Blog
13 @tags= google-plus-post And even more really awesomeness. 7 Lovely Things About HTML5 Markup http://www.elated.com/articles/7-lovely-
1 day ago - All Posts - Charles Harries
tradition of sharing photos from your recent trip to France: A lovely sunny day in Bohan-sur-Semois: And later in the trip:
1 day ago - Ashton Wiersdorf | Lambda Land
Output A custom build of the Iosevka font modeled after the lovely Input Mono font. Mastodon © Ashton Wiersdorf 2024
discoverability aids. Nordic Night A darker, higher-contrast spin on the lovely Nord theme for Emacs. Misc. # Iosevka Output A custom build of
1 month ago - John Graham-Cumming's blog: 03/01/2023 - 04/01/2023
Hacker News about the IBM ThinkPad 701c (the one with the lovely folding "butterfly&quo... Retrieving 1TB of data from a faulty Seagate
be complicated. If you're not familiar with the Inkplate it's a lovely project the uses recycled Kindle screens and adds an ESP32, lithium
two badly treated IBM ThinkPad 701CS machines (the ones with the lovely unfolding keyboard) into a single, working machine. Both machines are about
1 day ago - code.flickr.com
back when we were primarily on the PHP stack to our lovely new JavaScript based isomorphic stack. Last year Eric Socolofsky did a
1 day ago - Syd Norpol
a bit of my successes. First of all, I found a lovely apartment, completely unfurnished - which is of course a great challenge, but
1 day ago - Svedic.org
because I run an employee assessment company , but smiling people with lovely résumés can still be bozos. And when you have incompetent people
evolution enabled intelligence to partially suppress emotions. When we sense that lovely smell of freshly baked goods, we feel a craving to eat
1 day ago - Jon Skeet's coding blog
now hardly have any code dealing with TcpClient and UdpClient directly. Lovely. (There are now multiple derived classes with hardly any behaviour, and
be able to test it before the night – it would be lovely to have a fake server (running the same code) that I
1 day ago - Diary of a Fat Slob
Dave S, Name Withheld, and always extra special thanks to my lovely late Stephanie, who gave me 21 years and proved that the
strolled along the shelves, and looked out the window. There's a lovely view of Elliott Bay, and other windows overlook a vibrant interior