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1 day ago - Ayende @ Rahien
don’t know something. You can go and research it. The mere fact that you can’t understand the text tells you both
1 month ago - A Brief note on Environments and Scopes in SpiderMonkey — Matthew Gaudet
any or all of the bindings in its environment. So, the mere existence of a direct eval causes all bindings in all enclosing
1 day ago - Dollchan
Теперь он не тормозит даже при гигантских javascript выражениях по крайней мере, на ПК в Firefox . Пришлось пожертвовать отрисовкой графика, теперь он рисуется
1 day ago - Devin Prater's blog
Braille is vital. Braille isn't an afterthought. Braille isn't just a mere echo of what a screen reader speaks aloud. Braille isn't a
the eyes-free Google group, where TalkBack developers were among us mere mortals. I remember being in the old TalkBack beta program. I
1 day ago - The Language Of My Soul Blog
test of time. After that, instead of being seen as a mere bundle of interests, you can be seen as who you truly
I wrote during a moment of serious blues. Such blues that mere words aren’t enough to explain and highlight what I felt.
1 day ago - Rondam Ramblings
to show that there is something about factual claims that transcends mere syntax. The sixth example is German for "the earth is round."
1 day ago - Peter Steinberger
s a simple solution. Sadly there’s no _UIPopoverView for us mere mortals, it’s a private class. Now, let’s test if
1 day ago - Jon Skeet's coding blog
that the R range is still going.) The 16R is a mere 1U for racking, which is very appealing – with the downside that
1 month ago - Exemplary software designs - Fabian's public notepad
us)? So let's come back to a lisp more suitable for mere mortals: Javascript. A few month before Musk decided cured my addiction
1 month ago - Yegor's Blog About Computers
comments Кому из нас не хочется быть яркой индивидуальностью? По крайней мере, считать себя таковой. Однако не каждому это под силу. Современное развитое