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1 day ago
devices 02/24 Diseconomies of scale in fraud, spam, support, and moderation 02/24 Why it's impossible to agree on what's allowed 01/
1 day ago - Drew DeVault's blog
Wayland, and sway's role in it September 13, 2017 Analyzing HN moderation & censorship September 8, 2017 Killing ants with nuclear weapons August 13,
1 day ago - Lobsters
Archive.today Ghostarchive | 13 comments 13 Page 2 >> About Tags Filter Moderation Log
1 day ago - Rondam Ramblings
answer, put it in the comments. (Note that I have comment moderation turned on. This blog has been around for twenty years and
1 day ago - ~gallant
distaste - that the thought behind the words was inappropriate, and self-moderation would be wise. I offer you an alternative meaning - considering what
1 day ago - bazaarvoice: engineering | The official blog of Bazaarvoice R&D
call to Bazaarvoice’s write UGC APIs, followed by Authenticity/content moderation. Reading Content When a shopper visits the brand or retailer site/
full architecture of our legacy system is shown below: Our legacy moderation system hosted machine learning models on a single EC2 instance. This
1 day ago - Artificial renaissance itself
class decomposition 5. Lates class in screenshot he implemented without any moderation by his name. He dot the cnowledge about context and models
1 day ago - Ponyville
any form or depiction. Risque or suggestive content is allowed in moderation;All content that is considered illegal in the United States is
1 day ago - Beetle Space
set, you hit “Pause” to... Sun 04 February 2024 LLM Assisted Moderation Moderating online forums is labor intensive. Burnout is common. It’s
1 day ago - /a/ - Anime & Manga
No. 727994 [Reply] For meta issues relating to site operation , board moderation , and webring functionality , see their new home on >>>/support/ . ルール 1. “