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1 day ago - A Few Thoughts on Cryptographic Engineering – Some random thoughts about crypto. Notes from a course I teach. Pictures of my dachshunds.
the “relation” between input and output is what we call evasive : namely, that it is hard to find two points that have a
this instantiation works well enough, provided we make one critical assumption: namely, that the discrete logarithm problem is hard (i.e., solving discrete
post I’m going to talk about one of those schemes, namely the Dilithium signature scheme, and show exactly how it relates to
functions represent a single function drawn from a family of functions, namely the family that consists of every possible function that has the
challenging part of the original Schnorr proof was the final argument, namely the one that holds that learning a protocol transcript (or signature)
most powerful techniques that we have developed to accomplish this task: namely, multi-party computation (MPC) and, as an ingredient towards achieving the
Levchin — who begs him to take one last career-defining job: namely, to save his friend’s life by saving his newest project:
1 day ago - Rondam Ramblings
marks on the page, but they all denote the same idea, namely, that the earth is round. That idea is a proposition because
hypothesis makes a specific prediction that the green hypothesis does not, namely, that all of the emeralds discovered after time T will be
is a proposition because it maps onto things in objective reality, namely a planet called (in English) "earth" and a physical property called (
discovered before and after time T will be the same color, namely, grue. But this is just word-play. If you take two
1 day ago - print "Me" - portable perspectives
the book. I’ve read a few books by William Gibson (namely, all the sprawl trilogy , some of the bridge trilogy , and some
1 day ago - The Language Of My Soul Blog
much higher. This technology is already used in the Middle East, namely Dubai, as there’s virtually no rainfall there. New weather shaping
1 day ago - Raymond P. Burkholder - Things I Do
service providers to ensure reliability. This paper highlights two main challenges, namely internal and external factors, that affect the reliability of cloud microservices.
1 day ago - Swiftjective-C | iOS. Indies. Apple. Plus Things.
when it changes. This only works in a few scenarios though, namely — “update” or invalidation type of lifecycle functions: For views: layoutSubviews(), updateConstraints()
1 day ago - Syd Norpol
m right now writing this close to the northern Atlantic ocean, namely Lisbon/Portugal. I figured I already know a bit of Spain,
1 day ago - Svedic.org
the public’s interest — they grasp one basic rule of economics. Namely, that it isn’t in the public’s interest to allow
1 day ago - miqu.me
is finally open source ! This is great because of many reasons, namely the transparency and chances to learn from the people responsible of
1 day ago - Kai Kaufman's tech blog
rather than runtime. Delegating to a lower-level implementation of Index - namely, Index<usize> - doesn’t help us one bit - we’ll still