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1 month ago - Armand Halbert
Monday, September 01, 2014 Recently, I completed my internship at the NIH. I really enjoyed my work there, as I got an introduction
various bases in Alfred 2. Continue Reading... My time at the NIH Posted in: Blog, Monday, September 01, 2014 Recently, I completed my
1 day ago - Matt Might
Ways of Returning Information to Participants." NIH Precision Medicine Working Group, NIH Large Cohort Precision Medicine Workshop. 11 Feb 2015. Bethesda, Maryland. [ pdf ]
1 day ago - Grover Lab
post . May 1, 2014 Undergrads' Diaper Detective wins third place in NIH/NIBIB DEBUT Challenge The Diaper Detective (the Senior Design Project of
Cruz) won third place and a $10,000 prize in the NIH/NIBIB Design by Undergraduate Biomedical Teams (DEBUT) Challenge! The Diaper Detective
1 day ago - The Story's Story
function at all, that’s a problem. * Metascience reforms at the NIH . * “ Drone Adoption Favors Quantity Over Quality In Warfare : Development of drones