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1 day ago - A Few Thoughts on Cryptographic Engineering – Some random thoughts about crypto. Notes from a course I teach. Pictures of my dachshunds.
to get in this post, so please just take away the notion that the existence of one of these objects implies the existence
One of the biggest restrictions on the PRF concept is the notion that these functions are only secure when the secret key (AKA,
1 month ago - An Inline Cache isn’t Just a Cache — Matthew Gaudet
local self-modifying code, the locality hypothesis, as well as the notion of a guard are the fundamental aspects of inline caching. The
3 weeks ago - Lasse Laursen – Lasse Laursen's project portfolio and development blog.
difficult to understand over the phone. Not enough to dismiss the notion of hiring them there and then, but enough to weigh this
almost never that time), but instead to get any generally correct notion of an answer, and ideally probe how deep that correct answer
just rely on numbers, but their landing page sure pushes the notion of simplifying your developer hiring task down to “72 > 66, so
1 day ago - Nicolas Goutay — Software Engineer, Speaker, Open Source tinkerer
Introducing notion-ruby-client: an Open-Source Ruby Client for the Notion API April 7, 2022 In which I build an open-source
In which I build an open-source Ruby client for the Notion API. Read article I’m a Rails developer—what the heck
1 day ago - Dave Cheney | The acme of foolishness
are their contents the same? Being a strongly typed language, the notion of sameness is fundamentally rooted in the identifier’s type. Two
1 day ago - Gourav Goyal - Personal site and blog
chrome extension to summarize articles on the web using AI (ChatGPT). Notion Boost A popular browser extension to make Notion ( www.notion.so )
1 day ago - Camas Meditation Group
to do with Christmas . Why do I say this? Because the notion of being a Christmas Carol is purely a social construct . Something
1 day ago - Domenico Luciani
sync your Obsidian vault on your Android I recently moved from Notion to Obsidian and one big problem I’ve had to face
Luciani on Life 31 Dec 2021 Why did I switch from Notion to Obsidian It’s been a while when I started using
1 day ago - code.flickr.com
is apparent that all of these groups of photos illustrate some notion of “similarity,” but each is different. Roughly, they are: similarity of
there are many others that you might imagine as well. What notion of similarity is best suited for a site like Flickr? Ideally,
1 month ago - A Thank You Post 🎸 — Matthew Gaudet
really get terribly far. I had come to peace with the notion that I really wasn't cut out for music. Despite this, Andrea