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1 month ago - www.bentasker.co.uk
things going about in the Fediverse, so this struck me as odd. When I went into Nextcloud News to check, the latest post
1 day ago - Nicolas Goutay — Software Engineer, Speaker, Open Source tinkerer
speak at (and/or organize) conferences & meetups, and occasionally build the odd open-source project. Introducing notion-ruby-client: an Open-Source Ruby
1 day ago - Jezen Thomas | Haskell, Unix, Minimalism, and Entrepreneurship.
with whether or not the randomly generated number was even or odd. $ curl http://localhost:3000/random "even" $ curl http://localhost:3000/random "
isEven :: Int -> String isEven n = if even n then "even" else "odd" main :: IO () main = warp 3000 App This is a complete Yesod
pure 66 }) get RandomR statusIs 200 bodyEquals "\"even\"" it "works with odd numbers" $ do stub (\a -> a { appRandomNumber = pure 17 }) get RandomR statusIs
stub (\a -> a { appRandomNumber = pure 17 }) get RandomR statusIs 200 bodyEquals "\"odd\"" Of course, the usual warnings apply. There are problems that come
curl http://localhost:3000/random "even" $ curl http://localhost:3000/random "odd" This is all well and good, but how do we write
request by reporting whether the randomly generated number is even or odd. We might write code which looks like this. {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE
1 day ago - Forward Scattering - The Weblog of Nicholas Chapman
Each thread sees a range of the overall count buffer. The odd thing is, is that the per-thread count table is 64
1 month ago - An Inline Cache isn’t Just a Cache — Matthew Gaudet
conclusion, inline caches are more than just caches (outside the slightly odd Deutsch-Schiffman definition). The part of me that likes to understand
1 day ago - The Language Of My Soul Blog
my walk, I looked to my right and thought it was odd to see a 2 story building in the heart of the
1 day ago - Jon Skeet's coding blog
a site that’s so reliant on data, it would be odd to say “hey, you can look at the source for the
sometimes being a bit of a mystery, but these were very odd. The Windows app should provide an easy way of prototyping functionality
1 day ago - Devin Prater's blog
cases, these ads aren’t readable as ads. They’re just odd things that show up, with buttons to not show the ad
1 day ago - Programming in the 21st Century
index. See the archives if you want everything. (There are some odd bits in there.) widely linked Things That Turbo Pascal is Smaller
1 day ago - Home | Arkency Blog
29, 2016 ruby infra devops nixos How I hunted the most odd ruby bug Robert Pankowecki April 18, 2016 ruby honeybadger at exit