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1 day ago - Susam Pal
2001) Home Links Feed Subscribe About GitHub Mastodon © 2001–2024 Susam Pal
Susam Pal Susam Pal On Technology, Mathematics, Etc. (50 posts) Quicksort with Jenkins for Fun
1 day ago - datalars
PS2, where I also mix NTSC and PAL games on a PAL console, does not exhibit this problem, and both regions display fine
will throw it for a loop - playing NTSC games on a PAL GameCube (via Swiss). This outputs a black and white, wavy signal
quite understand. The TV shows the signal just fine, however. Playing PAL games on the same console works fine, so I've solved this
console works fine, so I've solved this issue by just using PAL games instead. The PS2, where I also mix NTSC and PAL
PAL games instead. The PS2, where I also mix NTSC and PAL games on a PAL console, does not exhibit this problem, and
AV capture cards tend to have issues switching between NTSC and PAL video signals. I mix NTSC and PAL video signals all the
1 day ago
and its graphical user interface. Workshops ML4H @ NeurIPS 2016 Beckham, C. , & Pal, C. (2016). _A simple squared-error reformulation for ordinal classification._
which are resolution invariant. arXiv Beckham, C. , Piche, A., Vazquez, D., & Pal, C. (2022). Towards good validation metrics for generative models in offline
Beckham, C. , Laradji, I. H., Rodriguez, P., Vazquez, D., Nowrouzezahrai, D., & Pal, C. (2022, November). Overcoming challenges in leveraging GANs for few-shot
V., Lamb, A. M., Ghadiri, F., Hjelm, R. D., Bengio, Y., & Pal, C. (2019). _On adversarial mixup resynthesis._ In Advances in Neural
2018 Moniz, J. R. A. † , Beckham, C. † , Rajotte, S., Honari, S., & Pal, C. (2018). _Unsupervised depth estimation, 3D face rotation and replacement._
Racah, E., **Beckham, C.**, Maharaj, T., Kahou, S. E., Prabhat, M., & Pal, C. (2017). _ExtremeWeather: A large-scale climate dataset for semi-supervised
in the form of bounding box prediction. ICML 2017 **Beckham, C.**, & Pal, C. (2017, July). _Unimodal probability distributions for deep ordinal classification._
1 day ago - BillSaysThis – Death is ugly, Life is sexy!
is nice. I was honestly terrified and the anesthesiologist was a pal and loaded me with Benzodiazepine. The actual operation only lasted ten
I took a trip to Scandinavia with my parents and a pal, a fellow Zep fan. We found ourselves in Oslo free on
1 day ago - A Matter of Perspective
Big League? You reckon you have what it takes? Game on, pal. Jul 26, 2020 beginner orange i Chaos Surfing Finding stability in