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2 days ago - N=1 (marcua’s blog) | I’m the Co-Founder and CTO of B12, where we’re building a better future of creative and analytical work. Before that, I was Director of Data at Locu, a startup that was acquired by GoDaddy. I went to grad school at MIT’s CSAIL. One time in Jerusalem I ate a whole tub of hummus on my own. I don’t regret that day.
a (STEM) Graduate Student: Please Tax Me May 26, 2011 Database papers at CHI Feb 3, 2011 Evening Project: What Would Hacker News
as content: The medium hinders the message May 2, 2010 Twitter Papers at the WWW 2010 Conference Mar 29, 2010 256 colors in
1 day ago - The Walkabout Blog
is technically called SARS-CoV-2. (Side note: A lot of papers out of China were calling the virus 2019-nCoV, so make
sure to use that keyword if you ever want to research papers out of China especially from the early period of the pandemic).
I asked my Chinese b-school classmates for links to scholarly papers gaining currency on the topic in China, simply so that I
AM No comments: Monday, April 13, 2020 One instance of research papers permalink list (for storing, not for reading) https://drive.google.com/
that I could try to reduce my anxiety. One of the papers they identified was this, a preprint from Hong Kong Polytechnic University
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Development Crater Moon Development Blog Contact Resume for Steven E. Newton Papers Readings for Code Janitors Services Digital Garden Top of Mind Home
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2 days ago - Deep Thoughts by Raymond Hettinger | Ruminations on Computers, Programming and Life
constraints is known as linearization. There are a number of good papers on the subject, but to create subclasses with an MRO to
2 days ago - JonLuca’s Blog | JonLuca’s Blog - A blog about tech, programming, and finance
2018 Leaky vs punch-through abstractions 07 Jul 2018 The Federalist Papers: author identification through K-means clustering 06 Jun 2018 The rise
1 day ago - Rondam Ramblings
just doing it as a hobby. Nowadays, over 100,000 scientific papers are published world-wide every single day . It is not possible
1 day ago - Julia Evans
a system call for web developers to know about!) Oct 2015 PAPERS ARE AMAZING: Profiling threaded programs with Coz Nov 2014 LD_PRELOAD is
1 day ago - CodeKraft – Technical Leadership, Engineering Management, and Software Engineering
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1 day ago - Devin Prater's blog
Would Markdown be helpful for you? Would writing blog posts, term papers, journal entries, text messages, notes, or Facebook posts be enhanced by
1 day ago - Programming in the 21st Century
Software Engineering Want to Write a Compiler? Just Read These Two Papers. On Being Sufficiently Smart Optimizing for Fan Noise Free Your Technical