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раньше отказы содержали субъективный негатив вроде “I don’t want to participate in a Russian conference” (я не хочу участвовать в российской конференции),
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at Future.works 2022 Last week, I had the opportunity to participate in a job fair as a speaker. I was invited to
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to normal tomorrow. As always, enjoy today’s items, and please participate in the discussions on these sites. Startups, Career and Process How
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fully functional Mastodon thread on your website that allows users to participate in discussions and share their thoughts and ideas. Continue reading Parchis:
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PyCon US 2017 in Portland, OR Hendrik and I decided to participate in the development sprints succeeding the conferece. The code sprints are
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Engineering team. And I’ve since even had the chance to participate in the other side of the hiring process! As I’ve