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1 month ago - Promises in Unity – IMVU Engineering Blog
do here to make this better. Railway Oriented Programming The functions passed in to Match() can have a return type. Since only one
would generate a null reference exception. This is because the lambda passed in to Imvu.Login().Then() doesn’t run right away. We’
and Catch() always return a Result, and all of the callbacks passed into them must return a Result, which determines which rail you
Also, Match() on Promise can’t return anything, because the callbacks passed into it may not run immediately, so it doesn’t necessarily
There are some differences between Promise and Result, though. The callbacks passed to Then() or Catch() on a Promise can return either another
1 day ago - Dave Cheney | The acme of foolishness
into result2 causes the json package to complain that the value passed to Unmarshal is nil. However, both values were declared without an
pointers to other structures–but it also applies to the value passed to Unmarshal. package main import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" ) func main() { content := []
be zero to occur on command. There are only two parameters passed into this function, this shouldn’t be hard. Oh, but this
that the reason for the difference is the first invocation is passed &result1, while the second is passed result2, but this explanation is
1 day ago - Keita's Blog
the hexagon grid viewer is clupasq/h3-viewer ) This event is passed off to a function that calculates the parent hexagon of the
1 day ago - IMVU Engineering Blog – Software engineering best practices at IMVU
do here to make this better. Railway Oriented Programming The functions passed in to Match() can have a return type. Since only one
would generate a null reference exception. This is because the lambda passed in to Imvu.Login().Then() doesn’t run right away. We’
and Catch() always return a Result, and all of the callbacks passed into them must return a Result, which determines which rail you
Also, Match() on Promise can’t return anything, because the callbacks passed into it may not run immediately, so it doesn’t necessarily
just a compiler hint and can be replaced with the condition passed to it. This shows that the problem could be either the
There are some differences between Promise and Result, though. The callbacks passed to Then() or Catch() on a Promise can return either another
providing the URL of the Node or Edge. No document is passed with a DELETE request. DELETEing a Node will also delete all
1 month ago - 2ality – JavaScript and more
source text to two kinds of callbacks: Revivers , callbacks that are passed to JSON.parse() and post-process the data it parses. Replacers ,
and post-process the data it parses. Replacers , callbacks that are passed to JSON.stringify() and pre-process data before it is stringified.
1 day ago - Devin Prater's blog
iPhones. YouTube, just recently, gained a bug where you can't go passed the third or so item in the home tab. Android doesn't
more of the story than visuals. On iPhone, VoiceOver doesn't look passed the current screen of content, or the cross-platform framework doesn't
try to have TalkBack read the book, it won’t get passed the current page. The same is even more true with Braille;
This is opposed to the closed source model, where feedback is “passed on to the team,” or you are thanked, by your iPhone,
they create, but isn’t it time we move a bit passed just image descriptions? Guides for Alt-text are everywhere. I am
if you paused speech, TalkBack from then on couldn’t read passed one line of a multi-line item, is gone. TalkBack now
weeks with VoiceOver's Braille support. In this article, I'll overview Android's passed support for Braille, and talk about how its current support works.
1 day ago - Domenico Luciani
go! 🚀 » Domenico Luciani on Programming , Life 16 Nov 2023 How I Passed my AWS Certified Developer Exam A few weeks ago I passed
1 day ago - Lacking Rhoticity
analogous to file descriptors (FDs) on Unix, and both can be passed between processes. However, the way in which handles/FDs can be
between processes. However, the way in which handles/FDs can be passed between processes is quite different on Unix and Windows. In this
1 day ago - Information Camouflage
I was driving on I-25, southbound, south of Loveland. I passed by a flatbed truck with a yellow, plastic dump truck strapped
1 day ago - Beetle Space
occur over a century... Sat 02 June 2012 Michael Hart Has Passed Away I just learned that Michael Hart, founder of Project Gutenberg
I just learned that Michael Hart, founder of Project Gutenberg has passed away. I met him once in April of 2006. He gave