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1 day ago - Chester Grant
that if you have a strong belief in your ability to perform well, then the chances of your actually performing well greatly improve.
The two most effective ways to develop self-confidence are to perform well and to physically and mentally prepare to perform well. 4.
and concise assessment of what it takes for the athlete to perform well. This assessment is done daily after training and competition. Second,
a biologically established relaxation technique used to increase the potential to perform well under pressure. 7. Phase 2 comprises developing and utilizing an
making Mom proud of me” was behind my early efforts to perform well. She always made it clear what would make her proud
specifically identifies the process of success, or what it takes to perform at your best. 16. For the baseball player, there may be
1 day ago - pamela fox's blog
the database table with the user's query, we ideally want to perform a hybrid search : both a full text search and a vector
any columns that might match the user's intent. In order to perform a vector search, we also need a column that stores a
columns and a vector column, so we should be able to perform a hybrid search : using the pgvector distance operator on the embedding
retriever should support a full hybrid search , meaning that it can perform both a vector search and full text search, then merge and
operators to compare vectors, and use two difference indexes to efficiently perform searches on large tables. For this year's PosetteConf, I put together
1 month ago - www.bentasker.co.uk
supply being plugged into it, including: Using the reset button to perform a power reset Disconnecting the battery to force a reset Motherboard
uncommon to have to remove a laptop's keyboard in order to perform other work on it. The Thinkpad x280 is actually a little
1 day ago - Steven Sklar | My Blog
to scrape, as well as their scraped contents A CronJob to perform the feed scraping job at a regular interval A Deployment that
Custom Resource that defines our FeedReader application, we need to actually perform the orchestration that will manage the application in our cluster. Stay
becomes unresponsive, the remaining replicas will elect a new leader to perform subsequent reconciliations and resume normal operation. Kubernetes Leases This library uses
to generalize these fields into an abstract schema, or CRD. Let's perform this exercise with the FeedReader. FeedReader CRD To keep the article
from the queue (blocking if it is empty). The loop would perform whatever custom logic is written in the controller, and then the
1 day ago - Annoying Technology
select albums”, select all but the one album with this track, perform a sync to have Music.app delete its tracks from the
1 day ago - Android Developer Tutorials
into setting up the Gemini API client SDK on Android to perform Optical Character Recognition (OCR) on images. Let’s jump straight in:
1 day ago - Dave Cheney | The acme of foolishness
a performance cost over and above the time it takes to perform useful work. As a function call’s overhead is fixed, smaller
1 day ago - David Vlijmincx
This scenario seems ideal for virtual threads. Let's analyze how they perform application and if the switch is worthwhile. Background Virtual threads introduce
4 days ago - Red Hat Developers | Red Hat Developer
cloud-native apps and services. E-books Developer Portals: Prepare to Perform with Red Hat Developer Hub Hans-Peter Grahsl +2 Download Podman
Featured Resources E-books May 02, 2024 Developer Portals: Prepare to Perform with Red Hat Developer Hub Learn more Sep 08, 2022 Podman
1 day ago - Forward Scattering - The Weblog of Nicholas Chapman
the same work repeatedly and redundantly - It's pretty common to mistakenly perform the same operation multiple times when a single time would have
However, if 'fast math' mode is enabled, compilers may in theory perform this 'reassociation'. This can be important for a number of reasons -