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1 day ago - RobKohr's Blog
This was a semi-sarcastic comment I made on how all politicians are controlle... @date=2011-09-01 @tags= google-plus-post This
This was a semi-sarcastic comment I made on how all politicians are controlled by political donations: "Maybe to remove the whole illusion,
It looks like SOPA and PIPA have likely been stopped as politicians have drop... @date=2012-01-19 @tags= google-plus-post It
It looks like SOPA and PIPA have likely been stopped as politicians have dropped support for it. It was a great move for
system, and a corrupt bought out political system controlled by career politicians who's main focus is gettin... READ MORE (130 words, 1 minutes)
1 day ago - NaturalNews.com
Gate? Most Americans thought it was a conspiracy theory that demented politicians and rich elites in Washington DC were deeply... Views // Share 07/
Gate? Most Americans thought it was a conspiracy theory that demented politicians and rich elites in Washington DC were deeply... Views // Share Health &
1 day ago - Jamie Tanna | Software Engineer
Republicans' constant calls for political violence and death threats against Democratic politicians and journalists (though these are mainly targeting female, Black and queer
1 month ago - The Universe of Discourse
please go now? I'm strangely fascinated and often amused by crooked politicians, and Rod Blagojevich was one of the most amusing. In 2007
thing is why I can't help but be amused by crooked politicians. They're so joyful and so shameless, like innocent little children playing
1 day ago - Svedic.org
or when the government is pressed to improve EV infrastructure. Local politicians come when a charging station is finished to deliver speeches: “This
national interests. During a crisis, businesses labeled a “national interest” by politicians get favorable treatment. PayPal consumer protection works, even in times of
no refund. I felt screwed by Lufthansa, the EU, and German politicians. However, there was still one overseas ace up my sleeve I
1 day ago - /pol/ - Politically Incorrect - Archive - 4chan
Behind' symbolically show THEIR PLAN TO CHOP YOU…[ View ]475524236 All politicians must fucking die.: All politicians must fucking die.[ View ]475510403Southern united
View ]475578817Trump's pathological lying: Do you just not care about having politicians that tell the truth. …[ View ]475577596.[ View ]475578470One thread: Instead of
know that AIPAC has a disproportionate amount of control over American politicians. They…[ View ]475464504Leftists and women only call you rapist and a
ARE YOU LAUGHING SARS THIS IS VERY SERIOUS SARS[ View ]475570872Will politicians worldwide stop wearing suits if the West collapses? Suits are Western
1 day ago - Werd I/O
the cracks. It fights fascism of all kinds, from the loud politicians who seeks to turn the country into a theocracy to the