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1 day ago - Thoughts from Inside the Box
coffee and kale, and produces code, efficiently run meetings, and…well, poop. I sell my labor to the highest (non-arms-dealing) bidder. "
1 day ago - Letters To A New Developer – What I wish I had known when starting my development career
July 10, 2023May 18, 2023 2 Minutes Pick up the dog poop Dear new developer, I was out for a run the other
I had noticed a few days before a bag of dog poop. I had run on by, assuming someone was planning to grab
walk. But then I saw … Continue reading Pick up the dog poop → mooreds letters to a new developer Leave a comment June 26,
1 month ago - /bitch/ - ty prosto moya
as anorexics. we're constipated and cant poop so take lax to poop, but because said constipation doesnt go away, you have to keep
1 day ago - llimllib notes
language models for programming is a bad idea NVD Damage (continue) poop Rewriting the Ruby Parser Superpermutation tech debt maximalism The Merganthaler Diagrammer