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1 day ago - A Few Thoughts on Cryptographic Engineering – Some random thoughts about crypto. Notes from a course I teach. Pictures of my dachshunds.
proposal is the inspiration for today’s post, it’s not precisely what I want to talk about. Instead, I’d like to
two types of function with a substantial advantage — and this is precisely what the definition of a PRF says that an attacker cannot
than the difference of these values, ɣ 1 – β. Which is precisely what we see in the second “quality check” of the signing
we obtain these functions by identifying a “hard” mathematical problem — more precisely, a problem that requires infeasible time and resource-requirements for computers
the ones he’d get from talking to Peggy, then what precisely has he “learned” from getting real ones from Peggy at all?
some security property you assumed those primitives to have. But what precisely is that security property you’re relying on? We could re-
passed into the HighBits routine in both places — do not produce precisely the same result . In the signing routine the input is Ay ,
2 days ago - Junk Heap Homotopy
function as Python codeetc. Sure, there's nothing groundbreaking here, but that's precisely the point. What happens in the wild, in contrast, looks something
2 days ago - Troy Hunt: Troy Hunt
46 mins if you want to skip to it), which is precisely how I wanted to start this post. In running HIBP for
1 month ago - The Universe of Discourse: 2014/07 archive
we see that, except for !!b_0!!, the digit !!b_i!! is odd precisely when there is a carry from the next column to the
a carry from the next column to the right, which occurs precisely when !!a_{i-1}!! is large. Thus the number of odd
on the values of the carry bits !!c_i!!—the !!c_i!! are precisely the binary digits of !!v!!. Specifying a particular value of !!a_0!!
1 day ago
lot. The statement above is subtly ambiguous. How is margin calculated, precisely? I can think of two ways which make sense but result
1 day ago - Extreme Learning - Always curious. Always learning.
periods are rationally related. This entire motion has a period of precisely 60 seconds. Continue reading “Multiple Pendulums” Posted on May 20, 2018May
2 days ago - Jon Skeet's coding blog
be on at a particular local date and time – which maps precisely onto the requirements. Everything else derives from that requirement – and as
3 weeks ago - Lasse Laursen – Lasse Laursen's project portfolio and development blog.
least very similar ones. Me (and likely many others) This is precisely what the take home test is intended to do. In our
I know, the better I can work with something and understand precisely how to use it in the most efficient way possible. But
1 day ago - The New Leaf Journal · Where the leaves are perennially virid
A. Ferrell I use the 2004 NBA Finals to pin down precisely when I received my copy of Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life,
1 day ago - Undocumented Matlab - professional Matlab consulting, development and training
carried out together, I was truly amazed by how quickly and precisely he grasped all the specifications… and how fast he delivered! I