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1 day ago - Forward Scattering - The Weblog of Nicholas Chapman
machine that computes \(f\) we are looking for. Q.E.D. Remarks There are a couple of interesting things about this proof. First,
1 day ago - RobKohr's Blog
American soil. (at this point I had about a dozen sarcastic remarks about Obama, but really I think none are needed.) Being a
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to not to forget to fill what was changed and leave remarks. Continue reading → How an old server machine is serving Android developers
1 day ago - A Few Thoughts on Cryptographic Engineering – Some random thoughts about crypto. Notes from a course I teach. Pictures of my dachshunds.
the future of encryption and fundamental rights. These are the introductory remarks I prepared. Thank you for inviting me today. I should start
reviews , books , infosec April 24, 2023 1,040 Words 1 Comment Remarks on “Chat Control” On March 23 I was invited to participate
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to a dockerized system of Financial Times , closing with some great remarks of a framework for breaking up the UI monolith ( mosaic from
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John Gottman said couples likely to remain married exchange five positive remarks for every one that’s negative. 71. John Gottman found in
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llamaIndex Open Assistant open source llama PaLM-rlhf on colab some remarks on large language models Supabase clippy OpenAI Instructor Please Stop Drawing
1 week ago - Artificial Insights | Michell Zappa | Substack
Monday about our transition toward AGI and computational creativity with personal remarks. By Michell Zappa · Over 1,000 subscribers Subscribe No thanks By